Latest Episodes

Punched (MM #4954)

I’ve been under the weather for the last two days. I’m achy and feel like I got punched in the shoulder. My wife and I got our flu shot...

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Double Space (MM #4953)

It’s tough being a baby boomer these days. We see it when you roll your eyes at us. Yes, we’re stuck in our ways, but so was the generation...

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Northern Lights (MM #4952)

The Northern Lights have been all over social media the last few days. Pictures of the fantastic light show are filling my Facebook and Instagram feeds. Usually, most of...

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Not So Smart (MM #4951)

I love my smart devices. I have a wide variety of smart speakers. Amazon produces some, and some come from Google. I even have a few TV sticks that...

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Life Span (MM #4950)

For years we’ve heard that Americans are living longer. Since 1960, the average life span has increased by seven and a half years. But experts say living longer shouldn’t...

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Rich And Famous (MM #4949)

Many people have dreams of being rich and famous. And while it sounds good in theory, it’s not easy to be either or both. Through the years, I’ve spent...

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