
April Fuels Day (MM #4027)

For most people, today is April Fools’ Day. But in some lucky cities, with creative radio stations, it’s something different. It’s actually April Fuels Day. Now that’s the kind of fun I can get behind. In those towns, there are no pranks, just full gas tanks…

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New Species (MM #4026)

Scientists have been studying the DNA molecule for decades. Discovered in the 1860s, it took nearly a hundred years for researchers to be able to unlock its power. DNA has impacted not only science but the judicial system, too. And now, it has helped scientists discover hundreds of new species that we never knew existed….

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Conditioned (MM #4025)

Growing up, were you conditioned to clean your plate? I was. I’ve long been a member of the clean plate club. But for many, that causes weight issues in adulthood. That fact is something I understand. And I know who to blame, me…

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Too Much Change (MM #4024)

Everyone is stressed out. And it doesn’t seem to be getting better. Sure, COVID-19 had a lot to do with it. But, I think there’s something more we need to consider. There’s been too much change throughout the world over the last few years. And many people can’t handle it…

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Bird Flu (MM #4023)

The price of chicken is going up, but not for the same reason as other foods. U.S. chicken producers are seeing a drastic rise in bird flu cases. And it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. Boy, we’ve heard that a lot lately…

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Mashed Or Fried (MM #4022)

I love potatoes. I don’t care if they’re mashed or fried, served as tots or hash browns. They’re one of those foods I’ve been eating since I was a baby. They’re not something I think about very much. But I saw some potato trivia recently that blew my mind…

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Speaking Of Logos (MM #4021)

Yesterday I talked about Vanderbilt University debuting a new school logo. And speaking of logos, that got me thinking about the NCAA basketball tournament. Have you noticed something different about every team jersey this year? They’re all starting to look like NASCAR uniforms…

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Scan The Code (MM #4019)

If you’ve watched any television lately, you’ve likely seen a graphic inviting you to scan the code. If you point your smartphone at that QR code, it might take to the app store or perhaps a website. But I saw one channel use it this week in a new way. And it might be something…

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Allergy Season (MM #4018)

Spring has sprung, and that means allergy season is in full bloom. But if you’re a long-time sufferer like me, you barely notice. My allergies cause problems year-round. Researchers say that many who suffer today could begin suffering more in years to come…

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