
Party? (MM #3936)

Today, many people are wrestling with whether they should party or not for New Year’s Eve. Some people are worried about the ongoing pandemic, while others aren’t in the mood. I understand everyone’s struggle. For some, 2021 has been more of a challenge than 2020. For me, the decision to celebrate is an easy one…

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Fresh Pasta (MM #3935)

When the pandemic began, many people decided to start baking bread with their newly found free time at home. But, many have moved on from making bread to something else; fresh pasta. Making pasta is a new obsession for many people. And you might even know someone who got a pasta maker for Christmas…

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School Lunch (MM #3934)

When you spend time with your family during the holidays, you never know what topics you’ll talk about. Sure, we try to stay away from politics, but we often find other things to discuss. Over the weekend, our conversation turned to a unique topic; school lunch pizza…

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Strange Gifts (MM #3933)

When it comes to kids and Christmas, some toys stand the test of time. Baby dolls, Legos, Barbie, and Hot Wheels are always favorites. But, there are some strange gifts too. Maybe, I should clarify that. There are some odd toys, or perhaps I’m just getting old…

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Five Symptoms (MM #3932)

For many people, staying healthy throughout the holidays is a primary goal. The Omicron variant of COVID-19 still has us concerned. If you continue to worry about the virus, experts tell us to watch for five symptoms. But there’s one big issue with this…

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Stopped Counting (MM #3931)

My wife has stopped counting birthdays. Naturally, you can guess what day it is. Now, I don’t know if this applies to everyone or just her? I’m also betting that this doesn’t mean I should stop buying her gifts for her special day. I’m not holding my breath for that answer…

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Batteries Required (MM #3930)

Back in my younger days, there were certain toys I wanted but knew I’d never get. Anything that said batteries required was out of the question. Now that the technology has improved and rechargeable options are cheap, batteries aren’t taboo. And now it seems that everything needs batteries…

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Christmas Music (MM #3929)

If you’re like many people, you’re probably sick of hearing so much Christmas music. Now, in a couple of days, most of that music will go away for another ten or eleven months. But as we all know, many of these songs that we hear every year have become timeless. And as I have found,…

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Holiday Specials (MM #3928)

For as long as I can remember, holiday specials have dotted the TV dial throughout December. Some of these are movies, many have become classic, but most are cartoons aimed at the kids. And while we’ve seen these shows dozens upon dozens of times, have you ever really watched them? Some of these cartoons are…

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Sweets And Treats (MM #3927)

Christmas is almost here, and sadly all of the holiday sweets and treats will soon be gone. I don’t eat them as much as I did years ago when I worked in an office, but I still enjoy more than my fair share. I wonder, why are all these goodies only served during the holidays?…

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