
No Problem (MM #3905)

Our world is becoming much less formal whether we like it or not. A recent example shows that young people don’t want to say, you’re welcome because they feel it’s too formal. Instead, they prefer to use a phrase like no problem or no worries…

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Monday Night Football (MM #3904)

Many people can’t remember a time before Monday Night Football existed on our TV screens. It feels like it’s been around forever. While I’m not the biggest football fan, I do find myself watching more Monday night games than ever. And there is one reason why…

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Chicken Tenders (MM #3903)

Kids love chicken tender. It doesn’t matter if they’re planks, strips, or nuggets. If the chicken is breaded, most kids will eat it. You could even say it’s kiddie comfort food. But if your youngsters crave tenders, you may have problems finding them. And if you do, check the price tag…

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Lavender (MM #3902)

Many say that lavender has healing properties. They say it can help a headache, ease muscle pains, relieve respiratory ailments, speed healing of cuts, scrapes, and bruises. It’s supposed to be both soothing, but I don’t get it. The smell actually bothers me…

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The Wishbone (MM #3901)

If you had a big turkey for Thanksgiving, the youngsters are likely fighting over the wishbone. For some reason, kids love getting a chance to snap that bone and make a wish. I won a few and lost a few over the years, but I never got my wish. So I have to wonder where…

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Dressing Or Stuffing (MM #3900)

Most of us have some type of family tradition for Thanksgiving. For some, it’s the time of the meal. For others, certain side dishes. I’ve often spoken of my bizarre love for the jellied cranberry sauce. But for many families, there’s something that always goes along with the turkey. It’s either dressing or stuffing. And…

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Your Family (MM #3899)

So, will you be spending Thanksgiving with your family? If you’re a male, you’re likely going to be spending it with the family of your significant other. I can’t say that it’s always been that way, but it sure seems that way. Throughout the years, I’ve spent more holidays with the families of my wives,…

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Like My Father (MM #3898)

In recent years, I’ve noticed that I’m acting more like my father every day. Now, these things that I say or do aren’t big things; they’re often silly. And I wonder why these traits are just starting to show up now. Perhaps it’s just a sign of growing older…

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Technical Difficulties (MM #3897)

I often say that technology is a great thing; Especially when it works. But now and then, you have a day filled with technical difficulties. It happens. But when it occurs numerous times in just three days, you want to throw in the towel. I just had one of those weekends where nothing seemed to…

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Pudding (MM #3896)

I don’t know if I can say that pudding is the perfect food, but it comes pretty close. It can be considered dessert, a snack, or even comfort food for many people. But as much as I love it, I don’t eat it very often. And I don’t know why…

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