
Something Right (MM #3876)

I’ve lost track of all of the things I’ve done wrong throughout the years. Now, I’m not talking about the small mistakes; I’m just thinking of the big ones. But now and then, I get something right, very right. Today is the anniversary of one of the things that I truly got right…

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Pop-Tart Lawsuit (MM #3875)

I’ve professed my love for Pop-Tarts in the past. I’ve loved them since I was a kid. But there are some flavors I want to like more than I do. I love strawberries but have always been disappointed by Strawberry Pop-Tarts. And a recent Pop-Tart lawsuit may explain why…  

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Still Popular (MM #3874)

A few years ago, I discussed how pickleball had become the fastest-growing sport in America. I was amused at the time but didn’t think any more about it. Fads come and go all the time. But boy, was I wrong. Just the other day, I was reading an article about the fact that pickleball was…

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Fractions (MM #3873)

For many people, math was a challenge when they were in school. Now, advanced classes like algebra and trigonometry took a lot of studying for many of us. But the basics like multiplication, division, and fractions are something that should come easy. Well, many years ago, a beloved fast-food restaurant found out that most people…

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Change Your Voicemail (MM #3872)

You may have seen people on social media discussing what you should do if you get lost on a hike in the woods. Everywhere you look people suggest you change your voicemail to let people know you’re in distress. And while that may seem like good advice, a rescue team warns that what you’re seeing…

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Flu Season (MM #3871)

Doctors remind us that it’s flu season again here in the U.S., and that means we should all consider getting a flu shot. Thanks to COVID-19, experts don’t know what to expect this year. Will it be a better year or worse? I got my vaccine a couple of weeks ago. But, I don’t worry…

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Lost The Receipt (MM #3870)

Just the other night, I lost the receipt for a restaurant purchase. Now, I know this isn’t a big deal because it’ll be on my credit card statement, but it bothers me. I always ask for a receipt with any purchase and rarely ever lose them. I have them organized for both my business and…

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Rooting Against (MM #3869)

Am I a bad sports fan? Over the last few years, maybe longer, I’ve found myself rooting against teams more than I do rooting for my favorite teams. Perhaps this goes back to my early years as a NASCAR fan, where I had a couple of drivers I never wanted to do well. I could…

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Favorite Candy (MM #3868)

Halloween is almost here, and it’s time to think about our tricks and treats. Everyone has a favorite candy to give and receive. Now I’m not talking about brands here. I’m talking about the types of candy people enjoy the most. The favorite treat for Halloween won’t surprise you, but some other findings will…   

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Amusing (MM #3867)

I’m sure that I’ve talked about this before, and it’s something I don’t understand. For as long as I can remember, little children have found me amusing. Is it the way I wear my hair, the way that I look, or something else? I can smile, wink, or make a funny face, and they break…

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