
Where Did Summer Go? (MM #3820)

Where did summer go? Even though the season technically ends in two weeks, this year, it seemed so short. And while we lost all of last summer, this year was even stranger. And to me, this year was worse than last year, even though we could do a little more…

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Cat Owners (MM #3819)

Most cat owners would agree that their furry friends are moody. And during the pandemic, vets have reported they had to treat many cats for depression. And it may not surprise many why the cats are so depressed…

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Visit A Truck Stop (MM #3818)

Most of us who regularly hit the highway usually visit a truck stop for gas and snacks. But it hasn’t always been that way for people who travel in their car. When did truck stops become travel centers? I don’t think it was that long ago…

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Early Access (MM #3817)

Recently I’ve begun seeing ads for banks and apps that give you early access to your paycheck. And while I understand the concept, are these something that should concern us? Too many people are living from check to check, and this could become a problem…

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Are You Okay? (MM #3816)

Any time a flood or remnants from a tropical storm roll through Tennessee, a lot of people reach out to check on us. I can’t count the number of texts or emails asking, are you okay? I’m not complaining, even when the severe weather doesn’t come that close. I’m just pleased that people care…

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What You Type (MM #3815)

Everyone knows, what you can say can be used against you in a court of law. But over the last decade, plus what you type could be just as dangerous. And now that everyone is using social media, the things you wrote could hang over your head forever…  

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Not Enough Caffeine (MM #3814)

Not enough caffeine. Some days you need a little extra to get you up and rolling or to keep you going. Yesterday was one of those days for me. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, on a Monday, it makes for a very long day…  

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Try To Imagine (MM #3813)

Over the years on the podcast, I’ve shared my love for technology. With all of the struggles we’re going through, I’m still amazed at how technology has changed our lives even in the last few years. Try to imagine that we had today’s tech tools a decade ago, or even further back. We really are…

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Red Hot Dollars (MM #3812)

When I was a kid, I used to love eating candy. I still enjoy it, but try to stay away from the sweet stuff. I always liked the obscure candy, many of which are long gone. But one long-lost favorite, which I had long forgotten, is coming back. It’s called Red Hot Dollars, And I…

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36 Minutes (MM #3811)

If you’re a hot dog lover, you might have heard the news of a recent study. Researchers at the University of Michigan tell us that every hot dog you eat takes 36 minutes off your life. But, there is some interesting data that also came from this study…

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