
Upgrade My Phone (MM #4966)

I usually try to handle things I don’t like head-on. But I put off a couple of things as long as I can. One of those is buying a new cellphone. Some friends update theirs every time a new model comes out. But I only upgrade my phone whenever I’m forced to. The money isn’t…

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Gate Lice (MM #4965)

Like the old saying, you learn something new every day. There’s a term for people who try to board an airplane before their boarding group. They’re called gate lice. Who knew? Since airlines started charging for extra baggage, people are looking for ways to carry on as much as possible. And the key to getting…

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Click To Cancel (MM #4964)

If you’ve ever tried to cancel a streaming service or cable company subscription, you know how frustrating it can be. The Federal Trade Commission has heard your complaints and wants to help. They’re working on new click-to-cancel legislation that will make ending a subscription you no longer want much more straightforward. The FTC feels you…

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Matlock (MM #4963)

I’m sure you’ve seen the announcements for the new Kathy Bates series on CBS. It’s called Matlock, just like the show starring Andy Griffith in the 80s and 90s. When I first saw the promos for the show, I wondered how they would reference the original show. Would she be his daughter or some other…

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Yankees And Dodgers (MM #4962)

This year’s World Series is finally set. The Yankees and Dodgers will face off in a best-of-seven series. It’s another matchup pitting two of baseball’s most successful franchises. They’ve both been there tons of times, or have they? I’m a lifelong Cubs fan, so I’m programmed to dislike both teams. And since they’re always in…

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A Longtime Coming (MM #4961)

Long before Walmart was the biggest of the big box stores, Kmart was the king. But even if your fond memories include waiting for another blue light special, it started disappearing from most towns nearly a decade ago. The last Kmart in the Nashville area closed its doors six years ago. And this week, news…

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Six Hours (MM #4960)

Some of my earliest memories are from taking road trips with my father along two-lane roads in Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, and Nebraska. I joined him as he drove from town to town, covering high school football and basketball games. I love taking road trips. And once I turned 16, I loved getting behind the…

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A Button (MM #4959)

I grew up in a world where we didn’t have a remote control to change our TV channels. Can you imagine that today? I was the human remote. If I were playing in another room, I’d often hear my father yell my name. When I came in to see what he wanted, he asked me…

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Candy Aisle (MM #4958)

As a child, my parents never went down the candy aisle at the grocery store. They didn’t want to tempt me. But like nearly every kid, I loved candy. Today, I still try to avoid the candy aisles at the grocery store or big box store. Even though it’s been decades since I went door-to-door…

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Every Corner (MM #4957)

Growing up, it felt like a drugstore was on every corner. There were the big chains and the small mom-and-pop pharmacies. I realize it only seemed to be that many. But in the 80s and 90s, a new store was under construction every time you turned around. I even lived in a few towns with…

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