
Rising Prices (MM #3599)

We’re all used to rising prices at the grocery. Even though we don’t like it, it’s a fact of life. COVID-19 caused many producers to hike prices over the last 6 months. But they’re not done. Soon, you will see a big jump in prices in one grocery aisle. And the reason is interesting…  

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Bizarre Question (MM #3598)

Have you ever heard about people debating whether a hot dog is a sandwich? Well, the other day someone asked an even more bizarre question, is a bowl of cereal soup? I told you that it was a bizarre question. And I think I’m being kind…  

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Bumping Elbows (MM #3597)

Since COVID-19 began, many people have taken to bumping elbows rather than shaking hands. And I truly thought that elbow bumps were something new, but they aren’t. So, does anyone know the proper etiquette? I have so many questions…  

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Shopping For Pets (MM #3596)

I’ve never understood why people spend so much time and money when shopping for pets. I saw a story on the news the other day of a woman who was scammed out of thousands of dollars because she wanted a specific dog. With all of the animals in shelters today, why would someone do that?…

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Forced To Retire (MM #3595)

I read a story the other day about an athlete who was forced to retire early due to injuries. Now sure, that does happen from time to time in different sports, but this story was unique. And there was something about it that made me wonder…

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Quinn Martin (MM #3594)

If you grew up in the 60s and 70s, you likely know the name, Quinn Martin. He was famous for creating some of the most popular TV dramas. And while you couldn’t pick him out of a crowd, you surely know the famous characters he created…  

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Fish Fry (MM #3593)

The other day when my wife reminded me that Lent was coming up, I started thinking about the fundraising Fish Fry. Does anyone do those anymore? Or what about the Saturday morning Pancake Breakfast? It looks like both may now just be a distant memory of my youth…  

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Little Red Circles (MM #3592)

We all have things in life that annoy us. Sometimes they can be something so minor, we know that they should bother us. For me, it’s those update notices on my iPhone. For some reason, those little red circles with white numbers make me crazy…  

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Cheap Steaks (MM #3591)

The cost of eating out is always on the rise. But I remember back in the day that there were lots of places to find cheap steaks. Places like Ponderosa, Bonanza, and York Steakhouse were all over the place. What happened to all of these restaurants? While the food wasn’t the greatest, the value sure…

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Home Lighting (MM #3590)

Home lighting isn’t one of the most exciting aspects of home decorating. But, I have to admit, since the debut of smart light bulbs I’ve become fascinated with lighting options. And it looks like the options are getting even more interesting…  

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