
The Perfect Relationship (MM #4900)

For thousands of years, humans have been searching for the perfect relationship. Of course, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. But if the divorce rate is any indication, many are still searching. There are no shortcuts and no easy theories. And even if you think you’ve found the perfect person, have you? Is…

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Kickoff (MM #4899)

Football fans have been paying close attention to this year’s preseason games. During the off-season, NFL owners agreed to new rules for the kickoff. They’ve adapted what the XFL used a couple of years ago. So far, reviews are mixed. Some love the changes, while football purists already hate them. The overall goal is to…

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Hotels (MM #4898)

I’ve done a fair amount of traveling throughout my life. But I’ve never understood why there are so many brands of hotels and motels. Years ago, there were many family-owned options. Most of those have disappeared. Now, national and international brands control the business. And they offer dozens of brands for people to choose from….

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Music Clearance (MM #4897)

If you’ve ever wondered why some of your favorite TV shows and movies aren’t available on the streaming services, it often has a common reason: music clearance. Whenever a TV show or movie wants to include popular music, producers have to get approval from the songwriters and performers of those songs. Music clearance is what…

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French Fries (MM #4896)

I’ve never considered myself normal. So, go ahead and judge me. I have no problem admitting that I don’t like french fries. Now, perhaps you’ll understand when I explain. I used to enjoy fries, but they’re not as good as they used to be. Whether they’re from a world-famous fast food joint, a diner, or…

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Thoughts On Aging (MM #4895)

Experts have long had thoughts on aging. We’ve all heard about growing old gracefully. However, researchers have found that we don’t age gradually. They say there are ages where we spike. It’s like we grow old quicker, around 44 and 60. I wish we had known this 20 years ago. I often thought that ages…

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Gas Taxes (MM #4894)

The other day, we were talking about electric vehicles. They’re in the news a lot these days. Many states struggle with them, too. You don’t need gas when you drive an EV, so you’re not paying gas taxes. And that’s how most states fund their road repairs and construction. So many states want EV drivers…

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Scrolling (MM #4893)

The other day, someone at work asked me what was my favorite hobby. I thought for a moment and replied, scrolling. You may not realize this, but it could also be one of your favorite hobbies. What did we spend much time doing when we got our first computer? What are you doing When you…

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Charger Hogs (MM #4892)

While many people have turned to electric vehicles as a way to live a greener life, some, like me still have a lot of concerns. I’m not worried about using an EV as a commuter vehicle. My biggest concern is using an EV on long-distance trips. While the idea of portable charging stations seems like…

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Fine Print (MM #4891)

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were waiting at a stoplight. We looked up at a billboard promoting one of those big-time personal injury lawyers. And at the bottom, in small print, was a disclaimer saying that if you engaged this company, you wouldn’t actually meet with the named attorney; you’d be…

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