
Royal Madness (MM #2613)

The world is once again consumed with royal madness. Honestly, why do people care about the British royal family? In fact, didn’t we stop caring 200+ years ago?

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What If Moments (MM #2612)

Every now and then we all have one of those ‘what if’ moments. And this isn’t one of those moments where you wished something had happened to change your life. We’re talking one of those moments where you realize nonetheless just how pivotal some moments are…

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Your Bio (MM #2611)

Before the era of social media most people never needed to share their life story in a few sentences. But now, thanks to sites like Facebook and Twitter your bio has become much more important. A brief bio has become one of the key ways people learn more about you…

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A Little Good News (MM #2610)

Are news reports depressing you?  It truly doesn’t matter if the news is from around the world or across the US. And like many people, I yearn for a little good news every now and then. But of course what I think is good news is likely different than what you think…

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Pro-Grade (MM #2609)

I’m usually one of those guys who buys top of the line equipment. But I normally draw the line when it comes to pro-grade and consumer grade tools. Every man has his price…

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Guilt (MM #2608)

I truly can’t believe a commercial I saw on TV the other day. One of the big jewelry stores is trying to use Mother’s Day guilt to sell jewelry. I’ve witnessed some sleazy commercial before, but this was a new low…

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Milk Aisle (MM #2607)

Recently I needed to pick up some milk at the grocery store. And it seems like every time I go down the milk aisle there is some new type of milk. For example, have you heard of A2 Milk? And I’m specifically talking about cow’s milk here…

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Eating Leftovers (MM #2606)

I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a big fan of leftovers. I truly don’t know why, but I’ve never ever liked eating leftovers. But recently I found a few people who prefer them…

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Aging (MM #2605)

Let’s be honest. Overall, getting older isn’t fun for anyone. And we all deal with aging in our own special way. But while we can easily deal with our own aging, no one has figured out how to make everyone around us stop getting older…

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Childish Challenge (MM #2604)

Recently everyone was up in arms with the news of teenagers eating Tide Pods. But Tide Pods isn’t the only childish challenge our teens are facing today…

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