
Clean The Garage (MM #2552)

Our garage is a mess, and I have no one to blame but myself.  I need to try to find some time to get everything organized.  I know I should clean the garage, but let’s be honest…

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Lock The Doors (MM #2551)

Today is truly one of those days where I want to lock the doors and hide.  It’s Saturday, St Patrick’s Day, and the NCAA Tourney is in town.  In other words, it’s going to be mass stupidity…

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Wash Your Hair (MM #2550)

All of the sudden I’m hearing that you should wash your hair only 2 or 3 times per week.  Can you do that?  For the most part I know that I sure can’t.  Our water heater blew up the other day and I haven’t in fact washed my hair in a couple of days, and…

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Eye Drops (MM #2549)

Recently I’ve had a difficult time finding the brand of eye drops I normally use with my contact lenses.  Every other brand of eye drops were still on the shelves, but not mine.  Then, I found out why…

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Front Door (MM #2548)

The rules about smoking in public have changed.  But you can’t pass by the front door of any big building without walking through a cloud of smoke.  I don’t think the no smoking rules are working…

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Finding A Handyman (MM #2547)

Back in the good old days every neighborhood had a handyman.  But finding a handyman today is much tougher.  And when you live in the “it” city, it’s nearly impossible…

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Bond With Strangers (MM #2546)

Sometimes I find myself in the strangest situations.  I can find myself in a store and another shopper will ask me a question.  I find it odd to bond with strangers while shopping.  But I doubt that I’m alone…

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Junior High (MM #2545)

I was thinking about my Junior High years the other day.  Junior High is that time of life when we become aware of the real world.  At least I thought we all became aware of the world…

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Cheat Day (MM #2544)

Today is my diet cheat day.  My wife and I have found that having a day to eat pizza or burgers is necessary.  In other words it’s the one day a week we truly look forward to.  Obviously I try to be a healthy guy 6 days a week.  But on Saturdays I just want…

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Live Music (MM #2543)

Nashville is becoming a town known for live music ALL the time.  But it’s not just the honky-tonks of Broadway where you’ll find it…

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