
Cookie Time (MM #2531)

It’s Girl Scout cookie time once again.  And I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t have a favorite…

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Milk Going Bad (MM #2530)

Over the last few years we’ve had a problem with milk going bad.  Many times our jug of milk doesn’t even make it to the expiration date…

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Guns (MM #2529)

Since the Florida school shootings guns have again been in the news.  I have a healthy respect for the power of guns.  But there is something I wonder…

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Bad Grammar (MM #2528)

I’m not a huge stickler for proper grammar, but every now and then bad grammar bothers me…

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School Zones (MM #2527)

How do they determine the speed for school zones?  Is there a particular reason that 15 miles per hour is usually the chosen speed?  I don’t have any problem with the speed limit, I just wondered, why?

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Compromise (MM #2526)

One of the first skills we learn in school is how to compromise.  Now our teachers don’t use the word, but they focus on sharing and getting along.  Obviously we’ve forgotten a few things we learned in school…

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Researching Doctors (MM #2525)

Looking for a new doctor or dentist is always frustrating.  I needed to find a new dentist, so I was researching doctors the other day.  And I truly wish I knew how to find the perfect one for me…

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Smiling (MM #2524)

I realize that this is audio, so you can’t tell that I’m smiling a bit more today.  This has nothing to do with my recent trip to the dentist.  Today, is one of my favorite days of the year…

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Closed Sign (MM #2523)

I always find it odd when I see a closed sign on a fast food restaurant.  Now, I don’t mean closed for the day, I mean closed for good…

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Headaches (MM #2522)

I’ve suffered from headaches most of my life.  For the most part they’re sinus related, so I’ve learned to deal with them.  But sometimes…

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