
Bad Back (MM #2369)

I’ve suffered from a bad back for years. I hurt it playing basketball when I was in my teens and it still acts up every now and then. I admit, I have no one to blame but myself…

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Data Breach (MM #2368)

This recent Equifax data breach has me frustrated. If these credit reporting agencies truly cared about us they could make sure our data was safe. But once again, it’s just corporate mumbo jumbo…

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Burst Mode (MM #2367)

Has your work world started changing lately? My business has been changing a lot. I’m busy, but in a different way.  I call my new normal burst mode. In my world there is no constant, no steady, it’s just bursts of activity, then calm….

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Simple Or Complex (MM #2366)

Is life today simple or complex? I hear people express the desire to go back to simpler times, but were they really simple?

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Stubborn (MM #2365)

Some people say that I can be a bit stubborn at times. And that may be true, but I really do get it honestly. My parents proved that over the weekend when they decided to ride out the storm we know as Hurricane Irma…

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Historic Days (MM #2364)

There are some days in our lifetime that are historic days. September 11th is one of them, and so are November 22nd and December 7th. These are days to pause and reflect…

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Stakes Are High (MM #2363)

Cheating in pro sports is a big topic right now. There’s no doubt that the stakes are high in pro sports.  And while I don’t condone cheating, I do understand why they push the limits…

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Tucked Away (MM #2362)

For months I’ve been searching for my label maker. I’ve torn my office apart numerous times searching for it. Yesterday I found it tucked away in my garage. Now how that label maker ended up in the garage I don’t know…

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Toys (MM #2361)

I read the news yesterday that Toys R Us is having serious problems. They might even need to file for bankruptcy, and that makes me sad. Do kids today love toys like we used to?

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Side Effects (MM #2360)

It’s almost impossible to avoid the barrage of drug ads on TV.  And the list of side effects for most of these drugs gets longer and longer. I’ve also noticed that these side effects are getting stranger too…

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