
Zero (MM #2320)

I’ve always found it interesting, that there are some things that people show zero interest in, until their gone. For example, take Coke Zero. Coca Cola just announced their getting rid of it for a new better tasting low calorie beverage…

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Through The Years (MM #2319)

Through the years I’ve met a lot people and lived in a lot of places. And every now and then I wonder what has happened to a few of them. But it’s tough to reconnect if they don;t do the social media thing…

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Checkbook (MM #2318)

Almost every adult has a checkbook, or at least has one in their house. Checkbooks haven’t changed much over the years, even though our banking need have…

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Middle Man (MM #2317)

It’s still hard to believe that I’ve been out of radio for over a decade. People still ask me what I do for a living. The easiest answer, I’m a middle man…

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Free Parking (MM #2316)

I used to take free parking for granted. Parking spaces are everywhere so I rarely paid to park. But now in Nashville, free parking is a thing of the past…

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Hot Water (MM #2315)

Why don’t most stores, restaurants, and offices have hot water in their bathroom? I know that there is usually a faucet for hot water, but usually that’s not what comes out…

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Lice (MM #2314)

This week while watching TV I’ve seen 3 different shows have storylines about head lice. I’ve never had lice, but found myself scratching my head while watching…

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Retro (MM #2313)

I’m feeling retro. So I’m listening to a lot of classic tunes and watching a lot of vintage TV shows. Now I’m not trying to relive the good old days, It’s just the mood I’m feeling right now. And I’ve noticed something as I take this trip down memory lane…

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Bankers And Doctors (MM #2312)

It’s easy to say bad things about bankers and doctors. I know one thing that you can both blame them and thank them for, kids love for lollipops…

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Heatwave (MM #2311)

We’re in the middle of a heatwave. I hear a ton of people complaining about the weather, but it’s the middle of July. It’s always hot this time of year. So why is everybody whining?

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