
Shop Local (MM #2329)

For years people have been reminding us of the need to shop local to support small business. But lately I’ve heard people talking about the need to support the big box stores. It looks like their survival is important for our local economy…

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Red And Green (MM #2328)

I was thinking about the colors red and green the other day. Why does the color red mean stop, and the color green mean go? How did we come up with this? I realize that this isn’t a pressing issue, but there must be an answer…

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Smells (MM #2327)

There are certain smells, both good and bad that drive us crazy. For me, there is nothing worse than the smell of wet cardboard…

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Official Visit (MM #2326)

The Vice President was in town yesterday on some sort of official visit. Of course he flew in during rush hour and messed with traffic all afternoon. At this point in our world can’t we find a better way to transport politicians without disrupting our lives?

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Meal Time (MM #2325)

How children eat fascinates me. Now it’s not how they eat that truly interests me, it’s more about meal time choices. For example, why do kids hate bread crusts?

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Ready For Work (MM #2324)

Getting ready for work is a whole lot different in the modern world. In the good old days you’d just grab your briefcase and head out the door. Today you can’t forget your laptop, iPad, and a ton of technology…

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Proved Me Wrong (MM #2323)

Yesterday I was whining about the fact that there were no freebies anymore. Everything is no buy one and get one free. But my wife proved me wrong…

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Free (MM #2322)

Is anyone giving anything away for free anymore? I’ve noticed that offers which were once free, are buy one and get one free offers. Something for nothing looks to truly be a thing of the past…

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Stupid (MM #2321)

Stupid. It’s a word that I see people using a lot lately. But I don;t think that they really mean someone or something is stupid when they use it. Stupid is a word that means so many things…

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Zero (MM #2320)

I’ve always found it interesting, that there are some things that people show zero interest in, until their gone. For example, take Coke Zero. Coca Cola just announced their getting rid of it for a new better tasting low calorie beverage…

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