
Uncle Kevin (MM #2309)

My brother-in-law had twins over the weekend, so my wife and I are an Aunt and Uncle once again. Being Uncle Kevin is nothing I’ve ever aspired to…

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My Choice (MM #2308)

Many of my friends are on vacation right now.  I wish that I could join them, but that’s not happening.  For me, it’s truly my choice to work or take time off…

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Strange Craving (MM #2307)

Yesterday I had a really strange craving . For some reason, I wanted a Coke Float. Now for most people that’s a pretty easy craving to take care of. But of course, nothing is ever easy for me…

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Spoiled Milk (MM #2306)

I don’t drink as much milk these days like I did when I was younger. And now, I constantly have to worry about spoiled milk because my wife and I don’t drink it fast enough. And I think that’s part of the reason I drink less milk…

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Kid-Proof (MM #2305)

When you don’t have kids, you don’t really worry about having a kid-proof home. Sure, we made sure to cat proof our home, but kids are a different thing. Our nephews are coming in tonight for a visit, so the cleaning has begun…

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Facts (MM #2304)

I’ve been thinking a lot about facts. When do facts actually become facts? Who actually determines when a fact becomes a fact? I have a lot of questions…

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Solar Eclipse (MM #2303)

Have you heard about the total solar eclipse that is coming up in August? It’s the first total eclipse in over a century that will span coast to coast…

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Germs And Bacteria (MM #2302)

Germs and bacteria are truly things that we just can’t escape. Our goal is to minimize their impact, but there’s no getting away from them…

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Nature Preserve (MM #2301)

Even though we live in the suburbs of Nashville it sometimes feels like we live in a nature preserve. I’m not really the outdoor type, but the critters are plentiful…

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Kayaking (MM #2300)

Is Kayaking a hot new trend? Driving around on the weekends I’ve been seeing more people with kayaks on top of their cars than ever before. Is this something new or have I just not been paying attention?

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