
Souvenir Tents (MM #2268)

I’ve lived in a lot of great sports towns. And one thing I’ve noticed in every one, is that when their teams go to the playoffs, souvenir tents appear. Are these people vagabonds that travel everywhere?

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Paying Attention (MM #2267)

I make it a point of paying attention to my surroundings whenever I’m in public.  I try to be aware of whoever and whatever is around me. The tragedy in London the other night that make me wonder if we all could pay better attention…

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Earbuds (MM #2266)

If you’re out in public there is likely someone walking past you that has their earbuds in their ears.  But are they really listening to something or someone?  I’ve noticed, that nobody ever takes them out of their ears….

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Super Hero Movies (MM #2265)

The new Wonder Woman movie hit theaters this week. And that made me wonder why they’re releasing so many super hero movies. Obviously, the demand is there…

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Craftmatic Beds (MM #2264)

I may look into getting one of those Craftmatic beds. Now it’s not because I’m old or feeble. I think the bed could help us sleep better and cough less…

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Ice Maker (MM #2263)

I was in a bit of a panic when I realized our ice maker was broken. I can’t imagine resorting to filling ice cube trays. I’m much too lazy for that…

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Slime (MM #2262)

Recently I’ve had some problems locating the contact lens solution that I normally use. Over the weekend I found out why; slime. Kids are making homemade slime and one of the ingredients is saline solution…

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Circle Of Life (MM #2261)

So many of us became familiar with the term circle of life when we saw the movie ‘The Lion King’. Sadly the circle of life became a reality at our house the other day…

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Shootings (MM #2260)

Every day I hear about another shooting in Nashville. I heard a stat the other day that shootings are up 55% over last year. As Nashville continues to grow, so do the problems. And that really concerns me…

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True Meaning (MM #2259)

When we’re young we don;t think about the reason for each and every holiday. But as I get older the true meaning of day’s like today really matter. I’ve come to appreciate the reason we celebrate Memorial Day. But I don’t think that celebrate is the right word…

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