
Shoe Shopping (MM #2218)

I hate shoes. And I really hate shoe shopping even more. I’ve always had an issue with shoes, and it only got worse as I got both older and bigger…

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Nearly Cried (MM #2217)

This is going to sound silly, but this is a true story. I was walking through a Nashville department store the other day and nearly cried. And it was all because of a pair of blue jeans…

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Ham On Easter (MM #2216)

I’ve often wondered, why do we eat ham on Easter? I’m sure that I could Google the answer, but who really knows?

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Installers (MM #2215)

People who install services like your phone, cable, and internet have always fascinated me. These installers have a tough job. Not only do they need technical knowledge, but they also have to do the dirty work like climb and crawl…

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The BSK (MM #2214)

One of our radio friends from Cleveland passed away this week. Kendall Lewis, known to his listeners as The BSK (Big Sports Kahuna) was just 56. My wife worked with The BSK for a few years and this one’s hurting here hard. We both know that death is something we’re going to face more and…

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Friendly Skies (MM #2213)

United Airlines brought back their Fly The Friendly Skies slogan a few years ago. And people have been making jokes about that the last few days. The recent United incident in Chicago reminded me why I have come to hate flying. Not only are the airlines a problem, but so are the passengers…

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Quick Buck (MM #2212)

Is it possible to make a quick buck anymore? So many people want to make fast money, but can you really do it? I’m wondering it making a quick buck was ever really possible…

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Feeling Spacey (MM #2211)

I haven’t felt good over the last few days. I’ve been feeling spacey. I know that it’s the spring weather and allergens causing these problems…

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Pink Moon (MM #2210)

Are you prepared for the Pink Moon this week? The Pink Moon is almost here if that really matters. Does every full moon have a name now? I guess if we didn’t have music I would have never known about the Blue Moon or the Harvest Moon. But the Pink Moon? That’s a new one…

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Yoga Pants (MM #2209)

Have you ever noticed that women who shouldn’t wear yoga pants in public are the only people who wear them? I hear the stories about people wearing pajamas to the store but I never see that. But this yoga pants problem is almost as bad…

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