
My Happy Place (MM #2167)

Yesterday I enjoyed a much needed day off. Today it’s the start of the NASCAR season. You could say that I’m in my happy place today. It’s funny how the little things make us the happiest as we get older. I’m sure that I could find something to complain about, but why bother….

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Meat (MM #2166)

For years, I’ve had friends tell me I need to eat at one of those Brazilian steakhouses. You know the ones, where they keep bringing meat to your table until you tell them to stop. I finally tried one the other day….

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Tune In (MM #2165)

Coming up with something to talk about every day is one of the challenges I face. My goal is to get you to take a minute from your day and tune in. My latest way to get you to tune in is with the TuneIn app.  But that’s not the only new way for you…

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Clash Of Cultures (MM #2164)

I look at all of the political strife right now and see a clash of cultures. This reminds me of the political protests I saw during the Vietnam era. Is this type of struggle something the occurs every 30 to 40 years?

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Unlimited Data (MM #2163)

If you spend a ton of time on your smartphone like me, you have one desire; unlimited data. There’s a cell phone company data war going on right now. And of course I need to make a change. But I simply just don;t know what to do…

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Telecommuting (MM #2162)

Telecommuting came into being as we adopted high speed internet.  While it’s not a factor for many of us, yet.  It’s time for all of us to get ready for our future…

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New Neighbors (MM #2161)

We’ve got new neighbors, and it looks like one of them is a drummer. I used to deal with noise issues when I lived in an apartment. But I never thought I’d deal with these kind of noise issues living in a house…

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Bacon And Sausage (MM #2160)

Everywhere you turn, you’ll find people spreading the love for bacon. I don’t mind bacon, but I greatly prefer sausage. Since bacon and sausage come from the same place, why is there no love for sausage?

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Colors (MM #2159)

Sometimes late at night my mind tends to wander. The other night I was thinking about appliance colors. Harvest gold was once popular, so why not red?  Exactly who determines the color of our appliances?  Wouldn’t people really prefer even more color choices?

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People In Your Neighborhood (MM #2158)

Lately I’ve been listening to hundreds of songs a day for work. So, you’ll never guess the song stuck in my head the last few days; People In Your Neighborhood from Sesame Street. It’s been playing in a commercial for Hulu. What I can’t figure out, is why that particular song?

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