
Shutting The Big Top Down (MM #2127)

Did you hear the news? Ringling Brothers is shutting the big top down. Once the circus stopped using elephants, people stopped coming. Like so many of us, I’m partly to blame. I haven’t been to the circus in years…

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Stuck In Traffic (MM #2126)

Traffic in Nashville is getting worse. We even have issues outside of the normal AM and PM rush hours. The other day while stuck in traffic I noticed something…

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Sausage And Eggs (MM #2125)

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that bring you joy. I never thought that sausage and eggs would ever be something that would bring me joy, but they do. Sausage and eggs aren’t very diet friendly, so when I get to eat them I savor every bite…

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Hard Hats (MM #2124)

Every city has it’s hazards. In some towns narrow streets are the problem; in others it’s bad drivers. Nashville’s new hazard is men in hard hats. We’re having a construction boom. And everywhere you turn there are construction workers ignoring traffic and cutting across streets…

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Very Passionate (MM #2123)

The anger I see online every day is getting tough to handle. People have become very passionate about their politics over the last year or so. I’m trying to put a positive spin on what I witness more and more…

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Hearing Noises (MM #2122)

I spend a lot of hours in my home office. Usually I’m doing something on the computer so I’m oblivious to the outside world; until I start hearing noises. I try to keep an ear out for what’s happening outside while staring at my computer screen…

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My Rolodex (MM #2121)

Rummaging through some of the items I have stored in my office the other day I found my Rolodex. I haven’t used it in years. Now thanks to computers and smartphones they’ve become obsolete…

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Slightly Depressed (MM #2120)

I’m feeling slightly depressed.  Or perhaps I’m just in a bit of a funk. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. I usually feel this way around this time each year. It’s just the stresses of life. I know that most of us feel this way every now and then…

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Service Providers (MM #2119)

Does anyone love their cell phone provider or their cable company? The service we get from all of our big service providers is getting worse. And if that provider has a monopoly, it’s maddening. My landlord loves collecting my money, but don’t ask them to live up to our contract…

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Magic Tricks (MM #2118)

Do you like magic? I’ve never been a big fan of magicians and magic tricks. And I’ve always wondered, is magic something that you either love or hate?

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