
Too Aggressive Or Too Afraid (MM #2117)

We had our first snowfall in Nashville yesterday and I noticed something. People drive too aggressive or too afraid, except for me of course. There really is no in between…

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Outsmarting Myself (MM #2116)

Each of us has a system for where we place things that we know we’ll need again. But lately I’ve been outsmarting myself a lot. I refuse to ever admit that I’ve misplaced something. At least that’s what I tell myself…

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Fine Tuned Palate (MM #2115)

We all have foods that we love and foods that we hate. But I’ve often wondered how our fine tuned palate comes about. The food that our parents expose us to in our youth are key. But there are some foods that everyone of us instinctively loves…

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Those Happy Days (MM #2114)

I’ve been watching a lot of old black and white TV shows recently. They kind of take me back to those happy days, and I don’t mean the TV show Happy Days. Those old shows remind us how much the world’s changed, and how much we’ve changed. And that’s both good and bad. But I…

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Advances In Technology (MM #2113)

Technology can be both a good and bad thing, we all know that’s true. But there have been some advances in technology that have aided us in the simplest way. Especially as a new year begins…

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Looking For A Fight (MM #2112)

I love social media. I spend a ton of time online both personally and professionally. But I’ve noticed something recently that worries me. Everyone seems to be looking for a fight. There are more and more bullies on social media than ever before. And we need to change that…

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Nunya Bidness (MM #2111)

For years when anyone asks me what I’m doing or thinking I usually with the phrase nunya bidness. I know it’s juvenile but I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t know many people who ever utter the phrase, until recently…

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Goodbye. Good Riddance (MM #2110)

Goodbye. Good Riddance. I know that’s what a lot of people are saying as we wrap up 2016. For many people it’s been a frustrating year. I definitely hope that 2017 has better things in store, but I’m still concerned. I truly try to look at life with my glass half full, but sometimes it’s…

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Repo Man (MM #2109)

We’ve all heard of the repo man who comes in the middle of the night and takes your car away. I’ve got friends who have worked as repo men, but I never actually saw one in action; until the other night…

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Week Between (MM #2108)

The week between Christmas and New Years is always frustrating. That’s the week I always hope to catch up on pending projects. But sadly, I never get to them. While many people I know, including my wife are enjoying vacation time, I’m still hard at work for my clients…

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