
Ice Cubes (MM #2097)

I can whine and complain about my life, but I truly have it pretty good. How bad can life be when you’re concerned with ice cubes? I know I lead a privileged life. If I’m thinking about ice cubes, life can’t be too terrible…

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Egg Nog (MM #2096)

Egg nog is one of those things that you either love or hate. I’m one of those people in the love column. I truly thought that everyone had an opinion. That was, until I met someone who had never tried egg nog…

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Christmas Cards (MM #2095)

Does sending and receiving Christmas cards still matter to you? I’ve always thought that they were a hassle, but now I think most people agree. I don’t get many Christmas cards and I’m sure it’s a product of the very few we send each year…

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The Eighties (MM #2094)

Do you remember the Eighties? I graduated from college in the Eighties, joined the working world, and thought I remembered everything. But recently I’ve been watching that show called The Eighties on CNN, and they keep reminding me of things that happened in the Eighties I simply don’t remember.  Now I realize that some people…

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Ugly Christmas Sweaters (MM #2093)

When did ugly Christmas sweaters become a thing? I know that ugly sweaters have been around forever, by why do we celebrate them? Maybe it’s all Facebook’s fault…

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Finding Old Friends (MM #2092)

Since I moved around a lot as a kid I’ve found that I’ve lost track of many childhood friends. Finding old friends isn’t always easy when you’re a baby boomer. So much of our life happened before the internet and social media…

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More Jobs (MM #2091)

In the news, we hear people talking about jobs moving from the US to foreign countries. And while that’s a big concern, I have another one; more jobs disappearing. While we need to worry about cheap labor costs, we also need to worry about the increased use of technology to replace people…

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LEON (MM #2090)

During the holiday season there’s one word that makes me smile. It even make me chuckle. And the funny thing, it’s not a funny word. The word; LEON. Now those four letters may not mean anything to you, but I know that I’m not alone. So, why LEON?

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New Challenges (MM #2089)

I love to learn, and I really love to take on new challenges. Recently I decided to learn a skill that I’ve always wanted to learn. It may not be as fulfilling as going back to school, but this new skill could come in handy…

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Party Time (MM #2088)

It’s party time tonight! I guess I should say that it’s office party time. Tonight is my wife’s office Christmas party. I’m looking forward to it. I couldn’t say that back in my younger days. I used to dread going to holiday parties.  But over the last few years I’ve really come to enjoy them. …

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