
Deadlines (MM #2077)

Deadlines are a part of life. But for some reason it seems that I’m the one one who has no say in meeting deadlines. I realize that’s not entirely true, but it sure feels like it is.  People force me to meet deadlines all the time, but when I need someone to meet a one,…

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Staying Hydrated (MM #2076)

One of the toughest parts of trying to lose weight is drinking enough water. Staying hydrated can be difficult, especially when the weather turns cold. Am I the only one who has no desire to drink water when I’m cold?

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Fluorescent Lights (MM #2075)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve hated fluorescent lights. The fluorescent light at the eye doctor’s office  were a painful reminder. Sure, fluorescent lights cost less to operate, but for some reason they never seem to work right. And do they hurt your eyes, too?  That’s probably the worst part for me….

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Gray Friday (MM #2074)

Today is one of those days that you either love or hate. It’s Black Friday. But from I’ve been reading we might start calling it Gray Friday…

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Be Thankful (MM #2073)

It’s Thanksgiving, the day that we set aside to count our blessings. And while it’s nice to give thanks today, we should be thankful everyday. Trust me, I realize just how hard that can be…

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Thanksgiving Basics (MM #2072)

I tend to be a pretty simple guy, and I like my Thanksgiving to pretty simple too. But it seems that everyone wants to make it a big production. Isn’t it time we get back to the basics of what Thanksgiving really means?

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Holiday Stress (MM #2071)

How is your holiday stress level right now? I realize that Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet but I’m already feeling a bit stressed. I was hoping that life would slow down a little bit over the next few weeks. But while most of my friends will be slowing down, it looks like my work load is busier…

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Heating Things Up (MM #2070)

We started heating thing up over the weekend, literally. We finally had to turn on the heat for the first time since last winter. I can’t complain. And while I don’t keep stats, I honestly can’t remember the last time thing finally cooled down this late in the year…

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Chick-fil-A (MM #2069)

I don’t eat as much fast food as much as I used to. I’ll hit McDonald’s or Taco Bell every every so often. But I also crave Chick-fil-A every now and then. But for some reason, I only crave Chick-fil-A on Sundays when I can’t have it…

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Checking Craigslist (MM #2068)

Every year about this time I find myself checking Craigslist. No, I’m not looking for a date or anything like that. I’m thinking about winter..

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