
Bad Timing (MM #2018)

My wife and I thought we had everything perfectly planned. But like so many moves, we were victims of bad timing. Our cable and internet have moved before our furniture. We had everything perfectly planned on our end, but…

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MLNA (MM #2017)

It’s always good when you learn something new. The other day I learned a new term. Actually it’s an acronym; MLNA. You put it on mail when you want to return to sender. Do you know what MLNA stands for? I’ve moved way too many times throughout my life and never heard this before…

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Time Warp (MM #2016)

Lately I been feeling like I was in a time warp. And that’s not a Rocky Horror reference, although it could be. Everywhere I turn they’re remaking old movies and TV shows. Why?! Has Hollywood really run out of new ideas?

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Inventory Control (MM #2015)

Thanks to computers, retail stores now have a better handle on their inventory. But inventory control is still a major issue for most stores. I would think that by combining computers, the internet, and local stores we should be able to research our purchases and then go pick them up. That might help retailers keep…

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24 Hour Service (MM #2014)

We ran into an issue while we were on the road the other night. And that got me to thinking about 24 hour service. Why can’t I get a tire fixed day or night? I can get someone to change my tire on the road, but can’t find someone to fix it. Why?

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Real Estate And Retirement (MM #2013)

When we get together with friends, we often dish dirt about people we know. But as we get older the topics change. We talk about things like real estate and retirement. We talk the topics that really matter. Ah, the joys of getting older…

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Warning Lights (MM #2012)

Have you ever noticed that the light bulbs that serve as the warning lights on your dashboard never burn out? Are car manufacturers using special materials for thee lights? The light bulbs on the outside of the car don’t seem to last forever. But those little light bulbs on the dash never fade…

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Hanging Curtains (MM #2011)

When it comes to decorating the home, hanging curtains is one of the worst tasks. The stress of just hanging the drapery rods alone can lead a man to drink. And let’s not forget the stress of picking out the prefect curtains. It’s never easy finding something that everyone will like…

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Home Decor (MM #2010)

I used to love shopping, but I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to. And one thing I really hate shopping for, is home decor.  I actually enjoy decorating.   But the people I encounter at the store, that’s a different story!

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Ostriches (MM #2009)

In today’s podcast we’re not talking about birds, we’re talking about people. I’m sure that you know a lot of people who are really ostriches. Ostriches are people you stick their head in the sand to avoid…life…

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