
Medicine Cabinet (MM #1996)

Do you have a medicine cabinet in your bathroom? While they aren’t really very useful, we do need some kind of storage in our bathroom. The last few houses we’ve lived in don’t have a medicine cabinet.  That means we’ve needed some solution to keep everything off the counters…

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Two Hour Window (MM #1995)

It only takes three words to send a chill down my spine; two hour window. And I know that I’m not the only one who hates installation people. It happens all the time.  Customer service promises you a two hour window for some sort of installation service and then show up late, or worse yet…

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Smelly Things (MM #1994)

Each of us has our idiosyncrasies. Personally, I have a ton of them. Smelly things are one of those things that I’m extremely particular about. Now I’m not talking about things that smell bad, I’m talking about the desire for things to smell good…

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Labor Day Origins (MM #1993)

I’ve always been the curious sort. And since today is Labor Day, I got to wondering about how it started. Little did I know that the Labor Day origins involved a controversy…

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Spider Webs (MM #1992)

We’ve got an issue with spiders. Everywhere I turn around the house I seem to run into spider webs. Now I don’t know if it’s just our problem, a climate problem, or something else. We’re not living in some sort of horror movie yet, but we’re almost there…

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Futzing Around (MM #1991)

Are you familiar with the phrase futzing around? It’s something I’ve been saying for years, but used it on the podcast yesterday for the first time. I’m wondering if some people might think I was using another “F” word?  Hopefully you didn’t get the wrong idea…

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Taking Pictures (MM #1990)

I don’t love to have my picture taken, but I do love taking pictures. And like many people I prefer to take them with my smartphone. But my iPhone stinks when it comes to taking pictures. And that means I often have to carry a real camera, especially for work…

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Tax Paperwork (MM #1989)

It’s not tax time yet, but I’m already thinking about tax paperwork. We’re moving, and that means I have to move all of my personal and business files again. I’ve been dragging these files around for years and need to thin them out.  But I don’t know where to start…

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Vague Memories (MM #1988)

In life there are events that seemed so important when they happened, but now have been simply forgotten. I call them vague memories. They’re the memories that other people can help you remember even if they aren’t planning on it. Your friends remember one thing, and that triggers something completely different…

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Cell Phone Wars (MM #1987)

The cell phone wars are ramping up again. Sprint and T-Mobile are attacking Verizon and AT&T, and the big boys are fighting back. I’m actually looking forward to the outcome of these wars. I’m hoping I can finally put together a good plan for a decent amount of money. Sadly, this is something I’ve been…

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