
Favorite Teams (MM #1926)

Yesterday we talked about how social media often causes us to magnify our feelings about topics. We definitely see than when rooting for our favorite teams. Sure, it’s easy get excited about our favorite sports when we’re sharing online. And that really happens when our favorite teams are winning…

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Magnified Feelings (MM #1925)

I’ve noticed lately that social media tends to cause our feelings to appear magnified. These magnified feelings always appear when beloved celebrities die, or when we’re talking politics. Sure, we all have feelings about these events, but are we truly sharing how we feel?

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Extra Security (MM #1924)

My wife and I attended a movie preview the other night. We’ve been to dozens throughout the years, but this one was different. This one seemed to have extra security. For some reason they seemed VERY concerned with someone pirating the movie…

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State Capitals (MM #1923)

I’ve lived in a variety of state capitals throughout my life. And I’m living in one right now of course, here in Nashville. For some reason state capitals have always interested me. And it’s not just the capitol building that I find interesting, is often times the city itself…

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Exhausted (MM #1922)

For some reason I’ve been feeling exhausted lately. I’m not sure why that is. I’m getting my normal amount of sleep, but I’m not sleeping well. Perhaps it’s the weather or maybe even old age catching up with me…

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Bluegrass Music (MM #1921)

I’ve never been a big fan of bluegrass music. It’s one of the few forms of music I simply don’t appreciate. But even I appreciated the gifts of Ralph Stanley. The bluegrass icon passed away Thursday at the age of 89. And through my career I was fortunate enough to be in his presence a…

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Suspicious Activity (MM #1920)

I’m sure that you’ve run into a situation like the one I encountered recently. I got a message that there was suspicious activity on my Gmail account. So, I needed to change my password. That’s no problem, but what they wouldn’t tell me, is what the suspicious activity was…

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Hot Weather (MM #1919)

I don’t mind hot weather, usually. But when the weather is so hot that it makes you sweat through your deodorant I get a little cranky. I don’t sweat much, so when the heat and perspiration get unbearable I truly don;t know what to do…

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Load Sensing (MM #1918)

We have one of those new fangled high-tech washing machines. I don’t use it very often, but when I do it always amazes me. It has a load sensing feature that adjusts the water level when the machine starts. I guess it manages water use better. At least I think that’s what it does…

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Smelly Garbage (MM #1917)

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that drive us crazy. Things like smelly garbage. I’ve noticed that our kitchen garbage cans starts to stink after just a few days. We watch what we put in the can, but sometimes it doesn’t matter. It hasn’t always been that way. Maybe it has something to do with living…

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