
Driverless Cars (MM #1906)

Everywhere you turn, on TV, the internet, even in newspapers people are talking about driverless cars. The technology is here, but there are some questions that have yet to be answered. And these questions could change the world more than these driverless vehicles will…

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Photo Shoot (MM #1905)

I took part in a photo shoot the other day for a project that I’m working on. I tried to use an photo, but they wanted something recent, and business like. I don’t have many occasions to wear a suit anymore, but there was something very different about this photo shoot…

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Battery Powered (MM #1904)

I truly love technology. But with that love comes the need to keep tons of batteries around the house. I have more battery powered tech toys than most. But batteries are starting to confuse me. It’s not just as simple as AA, AAA, or even D batteries. There are so many variations…

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Celebrity Deaths (MM #1903)

2016 has been a rough year when it comes to celebrity deaths. Muhammad Ali is of course the most recent celebrity to pass. But I noticed something very interesting and different about Ali’s death. The media was prepared. In fact they’ve been preparing for this passing for quite a while…

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Final Exams (MM #1902)

This week is my busiest of the year. It’s the annual CMA Music Fest, and I’ll be running on lots of caffeine and very little sleep. It reminds me of final exams back when I was in college. At least I think it reminds me of final exams. It’s been so long since I was…

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Cole Slaw (MM #1901)

Have you ever had something in your refrigerator or pantry that no matter how much you eat, it never seems to go away? Right now we have some cole slaw that seems to be multiplying. It’s a silly topic, but I’m not kidding…

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Bed Head (MM #1900)

Ever since I was a kid I’ve woken up every morning with a case of bed head. Of course as I’ve gotten older all the gunk I put in my hair doesn’t help. So it only makes sense that now I’m using a bed head product…

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Ultrasonic (MM #1899)

If a product utilizes ultrasonic sound technology it’s got to be good, right? But since we can’t actually hear it working how do we know it’s really working? These are the things I’ve wondered about lately. Sure, we should be able to SEE the results, but….

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Being Your Own Boss (MM #1898)

People often say that being your own boss allows you to work whenever you want. And while that may be true for some, I’ve never been able to do that. Whenever a client needs something I have a choice; do it and get paid, or don’t do it and hope that want to work with…

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House Flipping (MM #1897)

We were scrolling through the TV channels over the weekend and came across one of those house flipping shows. I don’t normally pay attention to shows like that, but this one is Nashville based and that fact really made me take notice…

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