
Waffle House (MM #1855)

If you’ve ever traveled through the south you’ve no doubt seen a Waffle House or two…or ten. They’re everywhere. To me, there’s something magic about Waffle House late at night… Sure they’re busy for breakfast, but late at night….

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Race Against Time (MM #1854)

I’m often in a race against time. Now I’m not actually talking about the aging process, I’m really talking about racing time. It may not sound right, but I can explain. I think it will make more sense…

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Extra Stress (MM #1853)

I always feel some extra stress this time of year. Even though the calendar says it’s the 18th, it’s actually tax day. And that causes a lot of stress. I think everyone who’s self employed feels extra stress during tax time. We have to be focused on money and taxes all year…

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Old Folks Home (MM #1852)

Sometimes I look around and fell like I’m living in an old folks home. Right now both my wife and I are using heating pads to help with our aches and pains. I guess that’s just a product of growing old. At least that’s what I’m telling myself…

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Tiny Little Ants (MM #1851)

Every now and then our house gets invaded by teeny tiny little ants. It usually only happens about once a year, but it drives us crazy. We never had this problem when we lived in Ohio and I thought that it just might be a Nashville thing, but it’s not…

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Too Much TV (MM #1850)

I watch too much TV. I blame my father since he was on TV for nearly 20 years. Nowadays, TV is more just background noise. But every now an then I’m reminded of just how much TV I do watch…

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Connected Home (MM #1849)

I love technology. If you’ve listened to my podcast throughout the years you already know that. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the connected home. Maybe it’s time to take the plunge. But I have one concern…

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Shooter Boys (MM #1848)

I do my best to keep up with the latest cultural trends. If it’s happening in entertainment I usually know a little about it. But what is Shooter Boys? I had no clue But my nephew Will was adamant, he HAD to watch Shooter Boys…

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Open Windows (MM #1847)

We don’t often open windows around our house. Both my wife and I have allergy issues and Nashville isn’t the best place to live for allergy sufferers. But lately the weather had been so strange that we’ve been forced to open things up…

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New Luggage (MM #1846)

I wasn’t planning on buying new luggage, but my wife needed a new travel makeup kit so I started looking for a new bag. Of course what I need doesn’t exist. Sadly, that makes sense to me. I run into that situation a lot…

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