
Sit Down And Eat (MM #1845)

I never missed a meal as a kid. That caught up with me as I got older. Now, there times I want to scream ‘sit down and eat’ when we’re at a restaurant. I truly don’t understand not wanting to eat when there’s food on my plate. Perhaps it’s a generational thing, or maybe just…

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Never Enough Time (MM #1844)

Whenever we go to visit family there is never enough time for everyone. There truly aren’t enough hours in the day to catch up with the entire family. An now that we have a bunch of nieces and nephews time is even more precious…

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Difficult Decisions (MM #1843)

I’m not kidding myself, I have a pretty good life. But every now and then I have some difficult decisions to make. They’re usually just first world problems. And to many people that means they aren’t truly a big deal. But for me this new issue is a BIG one…

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Merle Haggard (MM #1842)

Merle Haggard passed away yesterday. If you know country music I don’t have to tell you he was an icon. It took me a long time to appreciate his music. I only met him a couple of times over the years. But I’ll never forget my last encounter with him…

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Ultimate Compliment (MM #1841)

Every now and then something happens to make me feel special. We all like to feel special. But for me this simple thing is the ultimate compliment. We all have those little triggers that make us feel good, don’t we?

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Slackers (MM #1840)

I’ve been told that I have a Type A personality most of my life. It’s just just the way I’m wired. But the people I admire most, are slackers. Would they be considered a Type C personality? Sometimes I truly wish I was wired that way…

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Tossing Cigarette Butts (MM #1839)

We all have our pet peeves. One of my biggest is seeing people tossing cigarette butts out of their car window. It truly angers me when I see it. To say it’s rude is an understatement. It’s one of the things in life that angers me most…

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Iced Coffee (MM #1838)

I’ll never forget the first time I saw my mother make iced coffee. It freaked me out! Now with a Starbucks on every corner iced coffee is no big deal. I’ve never been a big coffee drinker. I drink it socially. But recently something has changed…

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Grey And Gray (MM #1837)

The fact that the word grey and gray are both acceptable drives me crazy. For some reason I always default to grey when gray is preferred in the US. I don’t why we can’t all just agree. But my biggest question… Why the difference?

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Idiot Filter (MM #1836)

I want to create an app or program of some kind that will weed out all of the junk reviews I encounter online. I call it the Idiot Filter. Now this is no April Fools joke. I think it would be a HUGE hit…

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