
Very Quiet (MM #1797)

I’ve been accused of many things throughout my life, but never being very quiet; until recently. I honestly don’t thing anything has changed, except the perception. I’m guessing it’s an age thing…

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Getting Louder (MM #1796)

For some reason our neighborhood is getting louder. This has nothing to do with our neighbors. It’s all the cars coming through with loud mufflers and blasting car stereos. Does this have something to do with kids today, or is something changing in our quiet little neighborhood?

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Peanut Butter (MM #1795)

It’s a pretty universal fact that most kids love peanut butter. Me, I like it, but even as a kid I never loved it. But for some reason these days, I now crave peanut butter all the time. What’s up with that?

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Changing Logos (MM #1794)

I’ve been involved with marketing for a long. From my radio years to the decade I’ve been in the music business. And there’s on thing that always amazes me; why companies are constantly changing logos. Does it really work? I’ve rarely seen the proof…

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The Common Cold (MM #1793)

It happens to all of us, about once or twice a year. It’s our old friend the common cold. And while I understand why it’s called the common cold I truly don’t understand why we can’t, or won’t cure something that’s well, common….

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Separate Beds (MM #1792)

I messed my back up the other day, so I’m sleeping in a chair until it gets better. There’s something about sleeping propped up that makes it better. I think I need separate beds. You know, my regular bed and one of those Craftmatic beds for when I throw my back out…

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Walking Alone (MM #1791)

If you know me at all, you know I’m not a huge fan of exercising. I should do a whole lot more of it, but I don’t. But I realized something the other day. It’s easier to walk in a group than it is walking alone. An I don’t know why that is. Could it…

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Proofreading (MM #1790)

I’ve been working on a project with one of my clients recently and it’s involved a lot of proofreading. And while we’ve been proofreading, I’ve come to a big realization. I’m not very good. I tend to see the words that should be there rather than actually are there. Is that some sort of talent?

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Aggregate Materials (MM #1789)

There’s something about living in the south that I’ve wondered about since I moved south for the first time in the late 70’s. Who do people use aggregate materials for their sidewalks and driveways? I really wonder about this every time the snow starts to fall… I

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Every Saturday Night (MM #1788)

There’s a moment every Saturday night where I reflect on my youth. Saturday night was a strange night when I was growing up. It was strange because of what was on TV. Because every Saturday night I remember that back-to-back TV juggernaut of the Lawrence Welk Show and Hee Haw…

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