
Watching Movies (MM #1835)

There isn’t a person I know who doesn’t love watching movies in some shape, form, or fashion. But I wonder why we love some movies more than others. There are just some movies that we watch over and over and over again…

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What We Remember (MM #1834)

Do we have any control over what we remember? I was visiting a town I used to live in, and felt like I had never been there before. And I don’t think it was because things have changed that much. It made me wonder how we truly remember the things that do actually remember…

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Traveling On Route 66 (MM #1833)

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Route 66. Over the weekend we went traveling on Route 66 through northern and central Illinois. It was a bit sad. While the road brings back a lot of memories for me I was expecting something different…

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Playing Dress Up (MM #1832)

When I was young we played dress up all the time. We dressed like super heroes, athletes, whatever we could imagine. Are kids today playing dress up? Has the world changed? I honestly don’t know. I hope not though…

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Before They Were Famous (MM #1831)

I can’t begin to count the number of movies that I’ve seen numerous times. And it always shocks me when I finally notice an actor before they were famous. I could watch a movie dozens of times, but there always seems to be at least one person you finally notice for the first time…

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Chip Clip (MM #1830)

There are some inventions in life that I often wonder how we survived without them. The PC and cell phone come to mind, but so does the chip clip. Sure the chip clip is just plastic and wire, but I ask this. How did we keep things fresh before the chip clip was invented?

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Intense Passion (MM #1829)

Some people I know have a passion for politics. It’s a recent thing thanks to the election cycle. But I’ve noticed there’s a more intense passion for many people. That’s the NCAA tournament. And that makes me chuckle sometimes…

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Summer Of 81 (MM #1828)

My wife and I were talking the other night and it triggered some fond memories. Our conversation had me looking back at the summer of 81. That was the summer I worked construction and helped build a restaurant in Virginia Beach. I hadn’t been there in quite a while, and that had me wondering…

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Forehead Tattoo (MM #1827)

We all give off a certain vibe or message to others. Sometimes it can be considered body language, but I’ve always likened it to a forehead tattoo. We’re all giving off a message to the people we encounter. I think I know what vibe I’ve been giving off lately…

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Five Years (MM #1826)

Five years ago today I started the Mason Minute. Day in day out, it’s here whether you listen or not. And while it that’s not a long period of time, it is. I’ve done the Mason Minute longer than the time I spent in college. I’ve done this podcast for a longer period of time…

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