
Hey Bro (MM #1766)

There are some words when you hear them that make you want to scream. I heard someone utter the phrase ‘Hey Bro’ the other day and it reminded how much I hate the word bro. I don’t know that word bothers me, but it truly does…

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Virtual Reality (MM #1765)

I’ve always been one of those people who stressed reality. I live in the real world and wish everyone else would. Over the holidays I heard a lot of talk about virtual reality technology. And that got me to wondering if people will continue to avoid the real thing…

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Simple Life (MM #1764)

Many people think that because I’ve been involved in the entertainment business for so many years I lead a pretty fancy lifestyle. But in all honesty I lead a simple life. At least I think that my life is simple. I guess it all depends on who you’re comparing me to…

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Live For Today (MM #1763)

I admit, I’m one of those people who live for today. I wish I could think about the future and things like retirement, but I get it honestly. I’m trying to get better, but it’s not easy…

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Lorraine Motel (MM #1762)

I’ve been to Memphis many times over the years, but never knew where the Lorraine Motel was located until recently. I should be ashamed. Today we honor MLK and the more I encounter the Lorraine Motel the greater significance it has for me, and many others…

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You Get Bupkis (MM #1761)

There are some phrases you’ve known forever, but you wonder where they came from. I heard someone utter the phrase ‘you get bupkis’ the other day and I laughed. Bupkis is a word I’ve known for years but I don;t know why…

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Really Long Time (MM #1760)

Have you ever noticed that your perception of time changes as you age? What seemed like a really long time when I was young seems like mere moments today. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but time definitely shifts as you get older…

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Avoiding Germs (MM #1759)

We all hate germs. And usually about this time every year I’m fighting some sort of bug. But it looks like I did a good job avoiding germs this year during the holidays. When you don’t have kids you seem a little more susceptible to getting the crud…

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Those Golden Oldies (MM #1758)

When I was a young man, I used to get tired of people who only listened to Motown music. They loved those golden oldies, and as a know-it-all young person they drove me crazy. Of course fast forward a few decades later and it looks like I’ve become and old fogey too. While I’m not…

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Fine For Littering (MM #1757)

Driving down the road the other day I saw a sign that said “$50 fine for littering”. And it made me wonder, is litter still a problem in our world? I know that we’re still concerned with the environment, but is litter still a problem. I honestly haven;t heard people talk about litter for a…

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