
Idiocracy (MM #1805)

Have you ever seen the Mike Judge movie Idiocracy? I’m seeing a lot from both the candidates and their supporters that really reminds me of the movie. Tennessee is deep in the middle of the political craziness, and it’s starting to look much too familiar…

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Cereal For Breakfast (MM #1804)

Did you see the big news last week? No it wasn’t about politics, or even weather related. Millennials aren’t eating cereal for breakfast. It’s not convenient. Or maybe it’s not convenient enough? That sounds crazy to me. I’m a baby boomer. I’d eat cereal for 3 meals a day…

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Traffic Circles (MM #1803)

Nashville is trying to deal with traffic congestion. So they’ve begun to add traffic circles or roundabouts as they are also known. On paper they make sense, but encountering one is something completely different. On they surface they should be simple…

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Liquor Store (MM #1802)

I don’t spend a lot of time at the liquor store. I’d rather eat my calories than drink them. But have you been to a liquor store lately? It’s impossible to find anything. There are sooooo many choices. I remember back in my younger days when the only choices you had were cheap or expensive…

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Only Country Music (MM #1801)

Perception can be a funny thing. With all my years in radio and music business many people think that I like only country music. But those who have known me for years know the truth. Country music is only a small part of my life…

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Farm To Table (MM #1800)

I don’t keep up with all the hip trends in dining. When it comes to food I’m pretty simple. But I have been keeping up with the new food trend called farm to table. My wife went to one of Nashville’s new dining hot spots for business recently. I think I’m glad that I stayed…

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Panhandlers (MM #1799)

Nashville is facing a bit of an epidemic. I may be crazy, but we’re being bombarded with panhandlers. My wife was accosted one the other day coming out of the grocery store. I’ve run into them at numerous gas stations. It’s getting bad…

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Auto Insurance (MM #1798)

Auto insurance, it’s a necessary evil. We all have it, and most hate the company that insures them. But is it really worth changing companies? I see a lot of ads offering reason to switch, but is it really worth the hassle…

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Very Quiet (MM #1797)

I’ve been accused of many things throughout my life, but never being very quiet; until recently. I honestly don’t thing anything has changed, except the perception. I’m guessing it’s an age thing…

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Getting Louder (MM #1796)

For some reason our neighborhood is getting louder. This has nothing to do with our neighbors. It’s all the cars coming through with loud mufflers and blasting car stereos. Does this have something to do with kids today, or is something changing in our quiet little neighborhood?

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