
Epitome Of Cool (MM #1756)

By now it’s impossible to have missed the news that David Bowie has died. And like many, I’m amazed at how many people claim to be fans. To me, Bowie was the epitome of cool. I always dreamed of being that cool. Of course, I never had to worry…

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Feeling Entitled (MM #1755)

We all know that there a many problems with the world we live in today. One of the growing problems I’ve noticed is so many people feeling entitled. Some have always felt that way, but now it seems like an epidemic….

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Skinny Tires (MM #1754)

I’ve always loved cars, and have dreamed of having a stable of automotive classics. But something obvious that I never really noticed, was how they all had skinny tires. Until you see an older car right next to a new one you don;t always notice all the changes, like ties…

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College Sports Fans (MM #1753)

I’m not the biggest sports fan, not like I was in my younger days, but I’ve always wondered something about college sports fans. Why are the BIGGEST fans the least connected to the school? I know many people who have attended some of the biggest college sports schools in the nation, and while they support…

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Climbing Stairs (MM #1752)

I’ve always hated climbing stairs. Maybe it started in my younger days when we used to have to run the stairs during basketball practice. I do know that my years playing basketball are part of the reason I have a big issue with stairs today…

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Chinese Restaurants (MM #1751)

I’ve loved Chinese food for as long as I can remember. But after living in Nashville for nearly a decade I still can’t find any great Chinese restaurants. Many say that Nashville has become a food town, but in my opinion not when it comes to Chinese food…

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40 Degrees (MM #1750)

I’m going to tell you up front that today’s podcast may sound crazy to you, but work with me here. I think that 40 degrees is the worst temperature. See, I told you that this sounds crazy. But think about this…

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Lucky And Smart (MM #1749)

I’ve never considered myself a lucky person, but at least I’m smart. But it’s a rare combination to be both lucky and smart. I’ve known a few people like that, but not many. It’s a rare combination. I just wonder if you can learn to be lucky…

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Just Another Monday (MM #1748)

Is it wrong if it feels like just another Monday today? I know that everybody’s back to work and they’re wanting to make good on all those New Year’s changes they’ve decided to make, but why do we have to wait for a new year to improve things?

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Making Pasta (MM #1747)

All you have to do is take one look at me to see that I’ve eaten a lot of pasta in my life. In addition to eating it, I’ve always been interested in making pasta too. So I got my wife a pasta making kit for Christmas. I’m hoping that it will be worth all…

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