
Standard Definition (MM #1785)

Recently I started having issues with watching TV in HD. All of the sudden my HD channels were gone and I was forced to watch TV in standard definition. I know, this may seem like a first world problem, and it is. But I have an excuse… my eyesight isn;t as good as it once…

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Unique Talent (MM #1784)

Some might say that I have a unique talent. Or perhaps it’s a skill, I’m not sure. But I do know that this trait was passed down to me from my father. We’re car killers. Well, not really car per se, but we are definitely automotive brand killers. We both know how to pick ’em…

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Retirement (MM #1783)

I’ve been thinking about retirement a lot lately. No, I’m not thinking about retiring any time soon, I’m thinking more about the concept of retirement. I guess that’s what you do when you get to be my age… Things like retire start to creep up on you…

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Give Me Soup (MM #1782)

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. And this year it’s a BIG one… Super Bowl 50. I’ll watch a little bit, but honestly don’t care. I’d rather you give me soup instead of the Super Bowl. I know I’m in the minority, but I just don’t understand all the hype. It hasn’t always been that way…

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Hanging With The Boys (MM #1781)

I’ve never been one of those guys who spends a lot of time hanging with the boys. This weekend I;ve got my chance. My wife is out of town so it’s party time. Okay, no it’s not. I’m doing what I normally do… work….

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Decluttering (MM #1780)

People have been telling me that I’ve need to do this for years. And I’ve finally started to listen. I’ve begun decluttering. I’m starting small, but at least I’m starting. I’ve been a collector for many years. And some have even accused me of being a bit of a pack rat. But it’s really not…

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Recommending Apps (MM #1779)

Recommending apps for other people is truly impossible to do. People are always seeking app recommendations online on even in person, but I just can’t do it. Most of us use our smartphones in unique ways. Sure many access Facebook on their phone, but beyond that…

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Do Things Halfway (MM #1778)

I’ve never been one to do things halfway. It’s both a blessing and a curse. I don’t know why I’m wired that way, but anything I do I have to do it right or I’d rather not do it at all. Sometimes I wish I could just settle…

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Avoiding The Question (MM #1777)

In yesterday’s podcast we talked about people who have a problem getting to the point. There’s another phenomena that goes along with that; avoiding the question. It seems that people today are also having a hard time being direct. You can ask direct questions, and so many people ignore them completely…

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Getting To The Point (MM #1776)

We have so many tools that help making communications easier than ever before. SO why do people seem to have such a hard time getting to the point. I’ve noticed it’s become a problem for so many people. And it seems to be getting worse…

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