
Recurring Dreams (MM #1736)

Most of us have recurring dreams. For some people it’s memories of their school days for others something completely different. I have a recurring dream, and it always comes back around the holidays…

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Holiday Treats (MM #1735)

The holidays bring on mixed feelings for so many. I’ve come to enjoy the holidays as I’ve gotten older, but there’s one thing I still have an issue with; holiday treats…

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Phone Scams (MM #1734)

It seems that almost every time I turn on the local TV news they’re doing a story about some area residents who have fallen prey to phone scams. I’m truly baffled at how in today’s society there are still people gullible enough to believe these scammers…

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Two Decades From Now (MM #1733)

It may sound strange, but I’m doing some advance planning… 20 years in advance. It’s my mother’s birthday today and I’m actually thinking more about two decades from now than I am about her birthday today. Let me explain…

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Hoverboards Are Hot (MM #1732)

From what I’ve been reading, hoverboards seem to be one of the most popular gifts this holiday season. And to say that these hoverboards are hot would probably be one of the most accurate statements I’ve read in quite awhile…

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Only A Spectator (MM #1731)

Some of my earliest memories involve basketball. I’ve been around the basketball court most of my life, but over the years I’ve become only a spectator. I played in high school then moved on to the broadcast booth. Now, my nephews are playing ball and that’s actually an odd feeling for me…

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Chain Letter (MM #1730)

When I was growing up I was always wondering what was in the day’s mail. Because every now and then you’d receive a chain letter in the mail. These days you don’t have to worry about getting one in the mail. Today we get them in a few other places…

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Unseasonably Warm (MM #1729)

It’s been a strange month so far. It’s been unseasonably warm in Nashville, and many other cities across the US are enjoying (or in some cases not enjoying) the weather. I realize that so many people would love to experience a White Christmas, but you won’t hear me complain…

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Going Computer Shopping (MM #1728)

For the most part I don’t mind shopping, except when I’m going computer shopping. For me, buying a computer is more difficult than buying a car. And it’s almost up there with the chore of buying a house. Okay, it might not be as costly or time consuming as buying a house, but for me…

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Subscription TV (MM #1727)

There’s so much talk today about people cutting the chord. They’re getting away from cable TV and opting for some sort of subscription TV service. And while I’m interested in the new subscriber model, they’re going to need to get some consensus before I think of making the switch…

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