
Skinny Tires (MM #1754)

I’ve always loved cars, and have dreamed of having a stable of automotive classics. But something obvious that I never really noticed, was how they all had skinny tires. Until you see an older car right next to a new one you don;t always notice all the changes, like ties…

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College Sports Fans (MM #1753)

I’m not the biggest sports fan, not like I was in my younger days, but I’ve always wondered something about college sports fans. Why are the BIGGEST fans the least connected to the school? I know many people who have attended some of the biggest college sports schools in the nation, and while they support…

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Climbing Stairs (MM #1752)

I’ve always hated climbing stairs. Maybe it started in my younger days when we used to have to run the stairs during basketball practice. I do know that my years playing basketball are part of the reason I have a big issue with stairs today…

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Chinese Restaurants (MM #1751)

I’ve loved Chinese food for as long as I can remember. But after living in Nashville for nearly a decade I still can’t find any great Chinese restaurants. Many say that Nashville has become a food town, but in my opinion not when it comes to Chinese food…

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40 Degrees (MM #1750)

I’m going to tell you up front that today’s podcast may sound crazy to you, but work with me here. I think that 40 degrees is the worst temperature. See, I told you that this sounds crazy. But think about this…

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Lucky And Smart (MM #1749)

I’ve never considered myself a lucky person, but at least I’m smart. But it’s a rare combination to be both lucky and smart. I’ve known a few people like that, but not many. It’s a rare combination. I just wonder if you can learn to be lucky…

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Just Another Monday (MM #1748)

Is it wrong if it feels like just another Monday today? I know that everybody’s back to work and they’re wanting to make good on all those New Year’s changes they’ve decided to make, but why do we have to wait for a new year to improve things?

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Making Pasta (MM #1747)

All you have to do is take one look at me to see that I’ve eaten a lot of pasta in my life. In addition to eating it, I’ve always been interested in making pasta too. So I got my wife a pasta making kit for Christmas. I’m hoping that it will be worth all…

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Jet Setter (MM #1746)

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’ve always dreamed of being a jet setter. You know what I mean. The kind of person who always has a plane on standby waiting to travel to amazing places. But I’m just a simple guy, so my jet setting tends to be a bit tame. But I do have a…

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Good Riddance (MM #1745)

Out with the old and in with the new. We say goodbye to 2015. And many, including me are saying good riddance. Last year was a rough one on many levels for me and for many others. But I’ve got my ‘half-full’ glass sitting here and ready ready for a great 2016…

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