
Smudges And Fingerprints (MM #1713)

I’ve worn glasses most of my life, so getting smudges and fingerprints on the lenses is something that’s driven me crazy for a long time. But now dealing with smudges and fingerprints drives me even crazier…

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Round-trip Travel Time (MM #1712)

I’ve been a road warrior most of my life. I’ve driven hundreds of thousands of miles up and down the highway, but recently I’ve noticed something unique about round-trip travel time. And it makes perfect sense to me…

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Arts And Crafts (MM #1711)

Years ago I worked in retail. I even remember the madness that ensued at toy stores on Black Friday when the Cabbage Patch Kids were first released. But that pales in comparison to the insanity experienced at the arts and crafts store during the holidays…

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The 50-50 Club (MM #1710)

Today my in-laws are celebrating their 50th anniversary. And while that’s an amazing achievement for any couple, my wife and I have now become members of a pretty exclusive club. I call it the 50-50 club. Because as of today we both have parents who have celebrated at least 50 years of marriage…

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Giving Thanks Every Day (MM #1709)

It’s Thanksgiving, traditionally the one day of the year that everyone pauses to gives thanks. But with all of the insanity going on around us, it reminds me that my troubles truly are few. And I really need to stop remember that I should be giving thanks every day…

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Wonderful Problem To Have (MM #1708)

I was just thinking back to my younger days and some of the lonely holidays I’d prefer to forget. Fortunately with all the family and friends in our life we never have to worry about being alone on the holidays. In fact we had numerous Thanksgiving dinner invitations. And that’s a wonderful problem to have…

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Wandering The Aisles (MM #1707)

My wife and I have already begun our Christmas shopping, We’re trying to get a jump on the holiday gift buying. We were in the toy store the other day and I found myself wandering the aisles. Visits to the toy store used to be much easier…

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Our Next President (MM #1706)

It’s hard to believe that we’re less than a year away from electing a new President. I used to be very passionate about politics, but over the years I’m become more pessimistic. I can’t find a single candidate who I’d be excited to call our next President.

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Who Loves The McRib? (MM #1705)

The McRib sandwich is back at McDonald’s for a limited time. It’s been coming back periodically for years. Have you ever eaten one of these things? I don’t go to McDonald’s much anymore, but I can’t figure out if there truly is anyone who loves the McRib…

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Kids Stare At Me (MM #1704)

Little kids are always fascinated with me. And it’s not for my charming personality. For some reason, kids stare at me. Every time I’m introduced to a child they just stare. Actually, they’re staring at my hair…

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