
Doing It ALL Wrong (MM #1626)

I guess it’s true. You truly can learn everything on the internet. Lately I’ve been reading articles that tell me simple tasks I’ve been doing for over 50 years, I’m doing wrong. And from what the internet tells me, I’m doing it ALL wrong…

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Growlers And Longnecks (MM #1625)

Drinking beer has definitely changed since I reached legal age. In the old days it was Bud vs Miller, and light beer or imports. But now things have gotten crazy. Now we’re were talking about things like IPA’s, growlers and longnecks to name just a few…

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Total Clean Formula (MM #1624)

I was refilling my liquid soap the other day and while it looked the same something has changed. Now my Dial soap claims to be the “Total Clean Formula”. So, what did my old Dial soap do?

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Hospitals And Funeral Parlors (MM #1623)

August has come and gone, and I couldn’t be happier. The month started with an unexpected trip to the hospital for my father and ended with a funeral for one on my wife’s cousins. To be honest I can’t think of any places I’d rather avoid than hospitals and funeral parlors…

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Cursive Writing (MM #1622)

They taught us all cursive writing back when we were in grade school, but how much do any of us use it anymore? I was writing a check the other day when it came to me…

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The Sky Is Falling (MM #1621)

Have you noticed that the sky is falling? I think that’s what they TV weather people are saying. That must be what they’re saying, because they simply can’t be panicking about cool weather in August…

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Colonel Sanders (MM #1620)

Everywhere I turn, people are talking about those new Colonel Sanders commercials for KFC. Some people are upset, some are creeped out, and some are confused. Me, I’m amused…

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My Last Radio Job (MM #1619)

The opening line of The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper has been going through my head. “It was 20 years ago today…” that I walked into the doors of what would be my last radio job. Little did I realize when I moved to Akron the journey I was about to embark upon…

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Your Email Address (MM #1618)

In my job I get a ton of email, and because I work for a bunch of companies I have numerous email addresses. I’m nowhere near the norm. Recently I was reading a news story about emails and marketing and it mentioned something interesting about your email address; or should I say addresses?

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The Empty Nest (MM #1617)

I’ve never been a parent, but over the last couple of years I’ve finally gotten a taste of what it might have been like to be one. And I’ve even been exposed to what they call the empty nest syndrome…

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