
Something In Your Teeth (MM #1642)

As we get older we tend to worry about things that never cross our minds when we’re young. I’m not talking death and taxes here. I’m talking about important stuff like getting something in your teeth…

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Green Peppers (MM #1641)

I’ve asked it before, and I’ll ask it again; What did we do before the internet? It truly amazes me every day the things I can honestly learn thanks to the internet. For example, did you know that there a male and female green peppers? It’s true…

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The Pinterest Store (MM #1640)

I’ve got a great idea, but I’m truly not the person to make this happen. I’m betting somebody can get rich with it though. You know I live in the world of social media. And a site than truly fascinates me is Pinterest. So imagine if you will a store that marries Ikea with Pinterest….

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All Day Breakfast (MM #1639)

The news is out, McDonald’s will soon be serving ‘all day breakfast’. And while that may excite some people, I’m not one of them. My McDonald’s breakfast favorite won’t be available. In fact you can’t even find it everywhere…

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For A Limited Time (MM #1638)

In the world of marketing there are only a few words more powerful than the words ‘for a limited time’. So many people get excited when their favorite products comes back for the short period of time; like the pumpkin spice latte…

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Branding In Your Bathroom (MM #1637)

Marketing and branding have always been a passion for me. They interested me even before I knew what they were. When I worked in radio it took me years to realize that I was truly a marketing guy. When it comes to marketing and branding I didn’t think it was possible to shock me. But…

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Media Giants (MM #1636)

I’ve been involved with the media in some way literally my entire life. And even though I don’t make my living from the media anymore, my wife still does. Our media world started changing nearly 20 years ago, and it will never be the same thanks to these radio, television and cable media giants…

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Lost Without My List (MM #1635)

I’ve made lists all my life. They help keep me organized and on track. I get it honestly. My mother is a list maker too. I’m lost without my list nearby. And today… I’m a bit lost…

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Hunting For A Mouse (MM #1634)

Shhhhhh….. Be very quiet. I’m hunting for a mouse. No, not the furry little rodent, but the sometimes very elusive one that I need to navigate my laptop…

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Do You Feel Safe? (MM #1633)

Like so many people, my world changed back in 2001 on September 11th. And while terrorism is always on my mind I’ve recently gotten even more concerned about my safety. So my question to you is, do you feel safe?

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