
Bakers Dozen Challenge (MM #1632)

As a guy who’s known to rarely turn down a meal, I’ve even been enticed a time or two into eating competitions. And while I haven’t done one in a long time, the Tom+Chee Bakers Dozen Challenge might just bring me out of retirement…

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Hand Dryers (MM #1631)

You know me, every now and then I have to get up on my soap and whine about something. Today I’ve set my sights on those horrible hand dryers you find in convenience stores, restaurants and tons of other places…

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One Way Streets (MM #1630)

As we were on the road over the holiday weekend I noticed something; one way streets are a real pain. They say that one way streets help traffic flow, but is that really the case?

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Credit Card Security Chips (MM #1629)

So many of us carry credit cards today. And even if you have your card in your pocket you could still be a victim of credit card fraud. But with new credit card security chips our cards could become a bit safer…

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My Side Of The Bed (MM #1628)

The other night as I was heading to bed I began to wonder, how I chose which side of the bed I was going to sleep on regularly. How did my side of the bed become my side of the bed?

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Time To Power Wash (MM #1627)

I guess I’m pretty handy, but there is one task I’ve never really understood; power washing. I understand how it works, but often wonder why people are so obsessed. How do you know when it’s time to power wash things like your sidewalk?

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Doing It ALL Wrong (MM #1626)

I guess it’s true. You truly can learn everything on the internet. Lately I’ve been reading articles that tell me simple tasks I’ve been doing for over 50 years, I’m doing wrong. And from what the internet tells me, I’m doing it ALL wrong…

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Growlers And Longnecks (MM #1625)

Drinking beer has definitely changed since I reached legal age. In the old days it was Bud vs Miller, and light beer or imports. But now things have gotten crazy. Now we’re were talking about things like IPA’s, growlers and longnecks to name just a few…

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Total Clean Formula (MM #1624)

I was refilling my liquid soap the other day and while it looked the same something has changed. Now my Dial soap claims to be the “Total Clean Formula”. So, what did my old Dial soap do?

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Hospitals And Funeral Parlors (MM #1623)

August has come and gone, and I couldn’t be happier. The month started with an unexpected trip to the hospital for my father and ended with a funeral for one on my wife’s cousins. To be honest I can’t think of any places I’d rather avoid than hospitals and funeral parlors…

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