
Cursive Writing (MM #1622)

They taught us all cursive writing back when we were in grade school, but how much do any of us use it anymore? I was writing a check the other day when it came to me…

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The Sky Is Falling (MM #1621)

Have you noticed that the sky is falling? I think that’s what they TV weather people are saying. That must be what they’re saying, because they simply can’t be panicking about cool weather in August…

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Colonel Sanders (MM #1620)

Everywhere I turn, people are talking about those new Colonel Sanders commercials for KFC. Some people are upset, some are creeped out, and some are confused. Me, I’m amused…

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My Last Radio Job (MM #1619)

The opening line of The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper has been going through my head. “It was 20 years ago today…” that I walked into the doors of what would be my last radio job. Little did I realize when I moved to Akron the journey I was about to embark upon…

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Your Email Address (MM #1618)

In my job I get a ton of email, and because I work for a bunch of companies I have numerous email addresses. I’m nowhere near the norm. Recently I was reading a news story about emails and marketing and it mentioned something interesting about your email address; or should I say addresses?

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The Empty Nest (MM #1617)

I’ve never been a parent, but over the last couple of years I’ve finally gotten a taste of what it might have been like to be one. And I’ve even been exposed to what they call the empty nest syndrome…

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Loose Change (MM #1616)

Lately it seems that everywhere I look I find loose change. I try to keep it organized, but every time I pay with cash I end up with a pocketful of change. If you’re anything like me, you’d like to see a big… change….

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ER Wait Times (MM #1615)

Have you seen those billboards that promote the wait times in your local emergency rooms? I’ve noticed that the ER wait times always seem so short. Can they be true? I found out from a good source…

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More Bright Lights (MM #1614)

If I were a paranoid person I would think that they were out to get me. Every new piece of electronic equipment I get now has multiple bright lights. And when I’ve replaced outdated equipment, the new gear comes with even more bright lights…

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Late August (MM #1613)

I’ve always had mixed emotions this time of year. There’s something both happy and sad about late August. And even though the world has changed, late August hasn’t…

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