
Getting Sick (MM #1575)

There’s not much worse than getting sick, and I mean REALLY getting sick and not knowing why. If you get food poisoning or have a few too many drinks you can understand why you got sick, but there are some days (at least for me) where you get sick to your stomach for no known…

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Super Heroes (MM #1574)

Is it just me, or have you noticed that we’re more consumed with super heroes than ever before. Sure super heroes have been around forever, but there seem to be more super hero movies, TV shows and toys now than in the past. Is it a product of the world around us, or something else?

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Possessions And Memories (MM #1573)

I’m a pack rat and I definitely love my ‘things’. But over the last few years I’ve become less interested in amassing more stuff and become more interested in collecting memories. I have a feeling there is a big correlation between these possessions and memories…

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Zero and PayDay (MM #1572)

I’m sure some funny guy could come up with a joke about our jobs and the punchline would be zero and payday. I’m not joking. I’m talking about two of my favorite candy bars; Zero and PayDay. And I learned something the other day that might even explain why these truly are two of my…

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Arch Support (MM #1571)

If you really know me, the first thing you’ll think when you see the title of today’s podcast is that I’m going to talk about the golden arches of McDonald’s. But, that’s not the case at all. I’m truly tackling a subject that’s not very glamorous, yet very important. I’m talking our feet and… arch…

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3 Years Old (MM #1570)

Our niece Hattie turned 3 this week and we’re heading north to celebrate. To me, the third birthday is one of the most important birthdays, because you life truly begins when you’re 3 years old…

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Chicken Fingers (MM #1569)

I like chicken, but it’s not one of my favorite foods; And that might be a good thing. If I truly loved fried chicken I might have even bigger issues with my weight. I’ve previously discussed my fascination with kids and chicken nuggets, well today we’ve moved up to pondering chicken fingers….

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The Go-To Person (MM #1568)

We all have traits that help define who we are as people. I honestly love to help others. You might say that I’m a people pleaser, although some people I know might argue that fact. But there’s one this it would be tough for anyone to deny; I like to be what you’d call a…

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New Release Day (MM #1567)

I don’t know if you might consider this a sad day in the world of music, but I feel twinge of pain. For years, Tuesday in the world of music was new release day, but as of this week that’s changed. I’m sure you won’t even notice, and that too is kind of sad…

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A New Goal In Life (MM #1566)

We all need goals and aspirations, no matter how old we are. And at my age, some of these goals could be considered unique. Well, I have a new goal in life and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the chance to make it happen…

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