
Life’s Real Priorities (MM #1601)

We’re back after posting a few ‘best of’ podcasts. Our absence wasn’t planned, but life got in the way. I was heading out of town but didn’t things to take quite they turn they did. But our few days away from the microphone did remind us of life’s real priorities. And that lesson was an…

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The Best Of: Daily Routine (MM #1600)

In our final ‘best of’ The Mason Minute, we’re talking about having a daily routine. This podcast originally aired back in 2012, and today just like then I realize just how much my daily routine means to me. I get it honestly. My parents HATE any changes in their daily routine. I’ve seen it first…

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The Best Of: Old Age (MM #1599)

Today, it’s another “best of” podcast, Or you might call it a rerun. I know… saying ‘best of’ is too kind. Today, we’re looking back at a Mason Minute from a little over 2 years ago. Back in 2013 we were coping with getting older. Sadly, we’re still coping with old age. I guess that’s…

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The Best Of: Air Conditioning (MM #1598)

Today, we have a first. It’s our first ever ‘best of’ The Mason Minute. In all honesty we weren’t planning to ever run a best of, but real life has definitely intervened this week. I had planned ahead for a last minute trip out of town, but didn’t plan for a few extra days away…

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Prescription Drug Coverage (MM #1597)

What is the world coming to? I know I ask the question often, but when did we start allowing bean counters to control how the experts do their job? The reason I’m complaining is one you might also be effected by; prescription drug coverage.

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Potato Chip Flavors (MM #1596)

To me, some things don’t need to be messed with, like potato chip flavors. Do we really need more flavors than plain, barbecue, and perhaps sour cream and onion. Why have we become obsessed with creating new flavors?

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I Love My Car (MM #1595)

I don’t know why, but I truly love my car. Some people simply view their car as transportation, but I’ve loved my Mini Cooper since the first day I drove it a decade ago. And now that loves has gone to new extremes…

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Walking Uphill (MM #1594)

I’ve never been known as a guy who likes exercise, that’s obvious. But even when I want to get some exercise I have to watch out when walking uphill. For some reason I’ve often strained my legs when doing something so simple, even for a short distance…

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Apples And Oranges (MM #1593)

We’ve all heard people talking about two things and the inevitable mention of comparing it to apples and oranges comes up. When did we start comparing apples and oranges, and most importantly why those two things?

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Just Pull Over (MM #1592)

Last week I was griping about one of my pet peeves while driving (MM #1585 – Just Pull Up – Click Here To Listen). Today, I whine about another of my pet peeves while driving; people who refuse to just pull over when the weather gets too scary for them…

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