
Disco Sucks (MM #1581)

There are certain words that take you back to a time and place. Words like ‘Disco Sucks’. In the late 70’s and into the early 80’s it was a battle cry for many. You either loved disco or you hated it. But looking back 35+ years, I realized something…

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The Corner Bar (MM #1580)

As our world continues to change, there are things that come and go. One of those, that reminds me of my younger days, is mostly a distant memory. It’s the corner bar…

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Sun Screen (MM #1579)

When you’re a fair skinned tow head like me, you’re always reminded to put on some sun screen before you spend any length of time in the sun. I understand what sun screen is supposed to do, but it still drives me crazy…

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Out Of Business (MM #1578)

I’m always amazed when what looks to be a thriving store or restaurant goes out of business. There’s never any explanation, because at this point it’s too late anyway. But, I still do wonder…

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Automotive Technology (MM #1577)

I’ve always wondered how they determine the automotive technology that will be utilized in our cars and trucks. Sure, some of it is for safety and some is for consumer convenience, but it never has made sense to me why they choose to do what they do…

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Little Kids (MM #1576)

Since my wife and I don’t have kids, we don’t tend to spend a lot of time around them. Sure we visit our nieces and nephews as often as we can, but it’s always interesting to watch them when they’re around their friends. The personalities that the little kids have never cease to amaze me…

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Getting Sick (MM #1575)

There’s not much worse than getting sick, and I mean REALLY getting sick and not knowing why. If you get food poisoning or have a few too many drinks you can understand why you got sick, but there are some days (at least for me) where you get sick to your stomach for no known…

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Super Heroes (MM #1574)

Is it just me, or have you noticed that we’re more consumed with super heroes than ever before. Sure super heroes have been around forever, but there seem to be more super hero movies, TV shows and toys now than in the past. Is it a product of the world around us, or something else?

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Possessions And Memories (MM #1573)

I’m a pack rat and I definitely love my ‘things’. But over the last few years I’ve become less interested in amassing more stuff and become more interested in collecting memories. I have a feeling there is a big correlation between these possessions and memories…

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Zero and PayDay (MM #1572)

I’m sure some funny guy could come up with a joke about our jobs and the punchline would be zero and payday. I’m not joking. I’m talking about two of my favorite candy bars; Zero and PayDay. And I learned something the other day that might even explain why these truly are two of my…

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