
Time Flies By (MM #1561)

As you get older, there’s no doubt that your views on life differ from when you were young. One of those areas where I notice a big difference, is time. As you get older, time flies…

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Social Pressure (MM #1560)

Social media is not only my job, but my passion. I focus a lot of time and energy on watching how people use social media. And I’ve noticed something recently about how people use social media, and how many seem to succumb to what I call social pressure…

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The Rebel Flag (MM #1559)

Most people that know me, know that I usually have an opinion, right or wrong on almost everything. Recently the topic of the Rebel flag has come to the forefront of the news cycle, but it’s not the first time. This discussion has been going on for many years…

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Fireworks Stands (MM #1558)

You don’t have to look at a calendar to know that the 4th of July is almost here. You can easily tell by all of the fireworks stands that have just popped up. And as we get closer, even more will quickly appear… then disappear almost as fast…

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Deviled Ham (MM #1557)

We all have those foods that remind us of childhood. They’re foods that we crave even as we grow old. For me, one of those things is deviled ham. You remember the sandwich spread made by the Underwood Company? I think it’s still around, but wonder why I never hear about it…

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Insurance and Lawyers (MM #1556)

I guess I should consider myself lucky. I had my driver’s license for over 35 years before I was involved in my first big accident. Since it happened a year ago I’ve been dealing with nothing but insurance and lawyers; and the accident wasn’t even my fault…

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Long Distance Tech Support (MM #1555)

Sometimes we acquire skills that aren’t necessarily based in any sort of heredity. They truly must be learned skills. And for me one of those learned skills could be considered tech support; or as I recently provided long distance tech support…

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Credit Card Fraud (MM #1554)

It seems that rarely a day goes by where we’re not hearing news of another major issue of credit card fraud. One of my credit cards was targeted the other night, and that makes at least 4 or 5 times in the last few years I’d had to deal with the issue…

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That Number 1 Song (MM #1553)

I’ve been around music my entire life. And there’s one thing I realized long ago. Most of us truly have no idea exactly how successful a song is on the charts. If we hear a song often on the radio for an extended period of time, we usually assume it’s a number 1 song, even…

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Drying Your Hands (MM #1552)

As we get older, we tend to need a few more bathroom breaks than we did during our younger days. And along with those added pit stops, we’re also focused on finding clean restrooms. But even if you find a clean bathroom, there’s no guarantee that washing and drying your hands will be a positive…

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