
Dear Old Dad (MM #1551)

Today is the day that we celebrate dear old dad. It’s Father’s Day, and of course I’m thinking about my dad. But as I get older I worry more about my father every day, because I have to deal with the fact that he’s getting older too. Even if I don’t like it!

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A Good Night’s Sleep (MM #1550)

Sleep is always something that has been tough for me. Sure, there was a short time when I was younger where I could sleep for 10 or 12 hours at a time. But now, it’s not just the amount of sleep I get that’s a problem; it’s the quality of sleep. Is it too much…

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Domain Resellers (MM #1549)

We’re all becoming familiar with the hassles of email spammers and telephone solicitors. But for some people like me, you can add another dreaded person to the list of people you’d love to avoid; domain resellers…

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Here Today And Gone Tomorrow (MM #1548)

Sometimes we take for granted things that have been around for a long time. There are things that have been around as long as you can remember and you think they’ll always be here; but then they disappear. In life anything can be here today and gone tomorrow…

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Vacation Bible School (MM #1547)

I’m not sure if this is happening nationwide, or is simply something that’s happening locally. But I noticed recently that many of the local churches are running their annual vacation bible school much earlier in the summer than they did back when I was young. Is this happening everywhere?

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Bluer Than Blue (MM #1546)

Every now and then you hear a song and something just hits you. The other day I heard a song that I’ve known and loved for years and something just hit me and I realized how timeless the tune really was. I bet you’ve heard this song too over the years; Bluer Than Blue from…

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Free Stuff (MM #1545)

Everyone loves free stuff. Free is a magic word. Sure, some items come with strings attached, but no matter your age, your sex, your lot in life; there is something about free…

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People Watching (MM #1544)

I do it as often as I can. I’m sure that you do too. I’m talking about people watching. This week I had the chance to more of it than I normally do, thanks to one of Nashville’s biggest tourist events. I’ve been people watching for years, and it never gets old…

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Smores (MM #1543)

I don’t know what we did before the internet. The other day I got to thinking about smores (or s’mores if you prefer). And that got me to wondering; who invented them?

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Young And Talented (MM #1542)

I’ve noticed that there seem to be so many young and talented people in our world today. And that made me wonder was that also the case when I was younger? I never noticed. I was too busy trying to get ahead…

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