
Tuning Out Noise (MM #1541)

Noise is a funny thing. There are some noises that if you hear them often enough you stop noticing. But there are other noises that no matter how often you hear them you always hear them. Tuning out noise obviously isn’t something that we can control on our own.

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Eating To Excess (MM #1540)

To look at me now you’d never believe that I was once an extremely skinny kid. I have no one to blame but myself for my weight. But because of my epicurean history I know a thing or two, or ten about food. And I also know eating to excess when I see it…

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One Of Those Days (MM #1539)

Have you ever had one of THOSE days? I’m not talking a bad work day or just one problem after another. I’m talking a day that just seems to be blah….

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Flashing Lights (MM #1538)

Everywhere around me are flashing lights; day and night. No, this isn’t paranoia it’s just all of the electronic equipment that surrounds me. Naturally, I have a concern. Why are the flashing blue lights most annoying?

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The Omelet Survey (MM #1537)

We all get asked to take surveys. Online surveys, phone surveys, retail surveys we’re bombarded with them every day. But have you ever been asked to take an omelet survey?

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Keychains (MM #1536)

I realize that by this time in my life there are some silly thing that I should stop worrying about. One of those things is keychains. Keychains have driven me crazy for years, and I don’t think that will change anytime soon….

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Prices Starting At (MM #1535)

I’ve seen this phrase more and more lately; prices starting at… I’m sure you’ve seen it a lot lately too. We’re all bargain conscious these days, but is anybody really falling for this one?

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Hugs (MM #1534)

In the entertainment business everyone hugs one another. We hug when we say hello, and when we say goodbye. But sometimes there’s a difference between hugging someone casually and hugging someone because you care…

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Fads And Trends (MM #1533)

What determines if something; let’s say a product, becomes an item that endures the test of time rather than simply is a fad that quickly comes and goes? There has to be a simple explanation why some things are just fads and trends while others stand the test of time…

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The Shared Experience (MM #1532)

When I traveled to Ohio last I found out something about myself that I never knew before. I found out that it was possible to actually care about people simply based on a shared experience. The shared experience creates a bond that transcends some many parameters of life…

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