
Headlines And Clickbait (MM #1531)

Back when the newspaper was your main source for news a strong headline could sell papers let alone get people to read a story. But now in a world where the newspaper has lost it’s luster the headline is equally if not more important when it comes to online news. And it also introduced us…

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Winter vs Summer (MM #1530)

There aren’t many similarities when you look at winter vs summer. And I’m not even talking about the temperature difference. I’m actually talking specifically about Sundays and the difference between a Sunday in winter and a Sunday in summer…

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The Listening Booth (MM #1529)

Have you ever experienced a listening booth? You probably have to be of a certain age to even know what the term means. The listening booth is a relic of the good ole days at the record store…

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Pay Day (MM #1528)

When I worked in a normal office environment I always looked forward to pay day. But when you’re self employed pay day isn’t quite the same experience. My wife still works in the 9 to 5 world, and it’s a special pay day for her today…

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Impending Doom (MM #1527)

Every now and then I get this feeling, you might call it impending doom but perhaps it’s more like e.s.p. It doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while a feeling comes over you that something bad is about to happen…

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The Pollen Count (MM #1526)

I’ve had sinus and allergy issues for as long as I can remember. The last few months have been extremely rough on the allergies, and not just for me but for a lot of people. It seems this spring as been a bad one for a lot of people. Some say it’s the pollen count,…

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Before Your Time (MM #1525)

When you get to be an old timer like me, you often find yourself finishing sentences with the phrase, ‘but that was before your time’. And I have a feeling it’s one of those phrases that I’m doomed to utter many more times as I age…

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Decoration Day (MM #1524)

We all know that today is Memorial Day; the day that we honor those who have given their life in service to our country. But, did you know that before we celebrated Memorial Day there was Decoration Day?

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Door Dings (MM #1523)

I try not to keep track of the little things that drive me crazy, but recently I’ve added a new pet peeve to my list. Door dings. I don’t know if the problem is the way they’re making cars today, or if it’s the fact that more people are just plain rude…

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The Mysteries Of Life (MM #1522)

Life is often bittersweet. On Thursday I lost another of my friends to an early death. Chuck Collins was a radio competitor of mine for many years, who came to work with me shortly before I left the business. I’m blessed that I finally got to know him and call him friend. We rarely talked…

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