
Family Traits (MM #1511)

There are some things that are passed from generation to generation. No, I’m not talking old family photos or grandma’s old quilt. I’m talking about those special family traits…

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Magnets And Copper (MM #1510)

No matter how old you are, I don’t have to tell you that getting older stinks. Sure, there are some decent aspects, but often the downside outweighs the upside. Today we touch on a couple of subjects you’ll want to be familiar with when you get old; magnets and copper…

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Vent Windows (MM #1509)

Today You’ll probably say that I’ve begun thinking like an old man. You know the guy, he’s the one that reminds you what it was like in the good old days. I’m actually feeling a bit nostalgic today, for something that’s been gone a mighty long time; vent windows…

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Paper Towels (MM #1508)

Every now and then we attempt to tackle some of the hot topics in our world. You know, the things that we’re not supposed to talk about in mixed company, like sex, politics, religion, and paper towels…

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Fear And Stress (MM #1507)

I realized something the other day. And I really don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this before. When we’re young, there are many things we’re afraid of. But as we get older things that we used to fear simply cause just a minor bit of stress. And there’s a lot of difference between fear…

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Observations While Driving (MM #1506)

My wife and I were on the road the other day and I noticed something. Something just clicked for me that had been all around me for awhile. Do you ever make observations while driving?

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It Is What It Is (MM #1505)

I know that you’ll probably think that this is a cop out, but as you get older there are simply some things that you’d truly love to see change, but they’re simply not worth the fight, at least on your end. To put it plainly; it is what it is…

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Scanning Photos (MM #1504)

As the world continues to move from hard copies to digital files I find myself spending more time scanning photos. And to do it properly takes forever; at least when you’re as detail obsessed as I am…

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Reboot The Brain (MM #1503)

If I were king for just a day, I think I’d only have one wish. And it’s a silly one. If I were king I’d wish that I would have the power to reboot the brain. Not all the time, just every now and then…

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Chicken Nuggets (MM #1502)

Today I’m filled with questions. Who invented chicken nuggets? When were they invented? Were Chicken McNuggets from McDonald’s the first nuggets? And finally, the BIG question: Is there ANY kid that doesn’t like them?

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