
The Fix It Shop (MM #1480)

The world that we live in has changed so much. There’s no doubt that we live in a more disposable society. I’m sure that I’ve discussed this before, but whatever happened to the neighbor fix it shop?

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The Middle Of Nowhere (MM #1479)

I’ve spent a lot of time recently driving through some of the lesser populated areas of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama just taking in the sights. And it reminds me of something I’ve always wondered. Why do people choose to live in the middle of nowhere?

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Killing Small Business (MM #1478)

As a small business man I feel the pressure every day and I know that my fellow small business men and women are feeling it too. It’s become too easy to support major retailers and put the squeeze on the little guy without really trying…

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Texting (MM #1477)

Everyone today is texting. It’s the one part of this whole technological revolution that I just simply don’t get. I do it, but I hate every bit of it. Texting is just a pain…

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Getting Ahead (MM #1476)

Throughout our lives we try to focus on those important aspects like our health and family. But often ties we find ourselves focused more on things like work, wealth, and getting ahead. A lot depends on where you are in the cycle of life…

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Brunch and Breakfast (MM #1474)

Brunch and breakfast. They’re so similar, but so very different. And that something different isn;t just time related. It’s all about the feel…

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I Still Can’t Sleep (MM #1473)

Every year, the time change seems to effect me more and more. It’s been roughly a month since time change and I still can’t sleep. In fact, I haven’t recovered from time change last fall…

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Basketball, Girls and Music (MM #1472)

We all have things in life we’re passionate about. When I was young, it was basketball, girls and music. Some of these passions last a lifetime while others seem to fade away…

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EVIL (MM #1471)

Many people feel that we live in a world that is much more dangerous and evil than any time in history. I’ve actually had this discussion numerous times lately. I just don’t know if it is, or we’re just more connected to the evil…

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