
Animals And Porn (MM #1470)

Don’t worry, the topic of today’s podcast isn’t as bad as the title suggests. Today, we’re talking about late night TV and what seems to be the only commercials that air. The topics, animals and porn…

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Taxes Are Done (MM #1469)

It’s one of my favorites times of the year; My taxes are finally done. And this year I actually got them done early. I should good…

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Smoothies (MM #1468)

As we get older it’s gets tougher to diet and keep the weight off. That’s just a fact of life. My wife has started drinking fruit and veggie smoothies as part of her regimen. I hope it works for her, sadly I know it’s not an option for me….

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Time For Shorts (MM #1467)

The calendar tells us that it’s officially spring. The weather (for most of us) is finally getting warmer. And I know it shouldn’t be such a big deal for a guy my age, but I have to admit that I’m excited that the weather has changed just enough that its time for shorts…

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6 or 7 Episodes (MM #1466)

I’ll admit that I watch a LOT of television; probably too much. But even if you don’t watch as much TV you may have noticed a recent phenomenon with TV shows producing fewer episode, on purpose. It seems that more and more shows are just producing 6 or 7 episodes each season…

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Much Simpler Times (MM #1465)

We all yearn for simpler times. And the natural thought is to look to the past and our younger days. But I wonder, were those days actually simpler times?

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Take Your Receipt (MM #1464)

Over the years number have become my life. From the research I do to my company bookkeeping I’m always immersed in numbers. I keep my company books balanced as well as my personal check book and am always focused on taxes. And that has me asking a question; Do you always take your receipt?

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40 Years Old (MM #1463)

When you hit you 50’s your concept of age changes a bit. I look at someone who is 40 years old and think that we’re actually pretty close in age, until I remember that I was graduating from High School when they were wrapping up Kindergarten…

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In The Shower (MM #1462)

Privacy. We don’t have a lot of it anymore. And where is one of the only places (if not the only place) we still have any privacy left? In the shower.

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Nitpicking (MM #1461)

We all have flaws. I have a ton of them, and in all honesty nitpicking is one. I try to rationalize that it’s being detail oriented, but I guess it depends on how you truly look at things…

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