
Mail Delivery (MM #1434)

The US Postal Service is broken. I probably don’t need to tell you that. For a lot of people in Tennessee last week they gave us a reason to wonder why they’re still providing mail delivery services…

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The Water Bill (MM #1433)

I’m really pretty blessed. I don’t often get stressed out about bills. I make enough money to pay my bills and enjoy the other comforts of life. But every now and then a bill comes in and it drives me crazy. Just the other day, I got the water bill…

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Tinted Windows (MM #1432)

There’s something alluring about a car with tinted windows. Perhaps it’s the association with fancy limousines, or wondering what you’re unable to see behind the darkened veil. But there is one HUGE drawback to them…

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Stop Bars (MM #1431)

If you’ve followed the podcast for any length of time you know that I like to drive. And in all my travels I’ve noticed that people seem to have problems with the stop bars that are placed on the pavement. And for the life of me I can’t understand why…

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Out Of The Loop (MM #1430)

Being self-employed has many advantages as well as disadvantages to working directly for a company. A lot of times when you come in as a vendor or contract employee you;re often times out of the loop when it comes to company politics…

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The Connected Car (MM #1429)

When I got my first car it only came with an AM radio. It was a big deal when I could finally afford to buy an FM converter. Now, I’ve got a connected car and I don’t think I can ever look back…

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Where’s The Snow Shovel (MM #1428)

After years of living in the north, I was finally able to get rid of my snow shovel when we moved south. Of course, what did I find myself needing the other day? The snow shovel of course…

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Buzzwords (MM #1427)

I wish that I was joking, but there has been a lot of talk about buzzwords lately. And if you ask me, one of the biggest buzzwords today, is buzzwords…

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The Hard Way (MM #1426)

I’m sure you’ve noticed, but the world we live in today is more impatient than ever before. No one wants to take their time and do things the hard way. It doesn’t matter if the hard way is the right way or not. These days it’s all about doing things the easy way…

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Domino’s Pizza (MM #1425)

There’s big news in the pizza world. Domino’s Pizza is no longer called Domino’s Pizza, it’s simply called Domino’s. But isn’t that what we called it all along?

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